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Hi, I’m Rebecca!

I’m an Official IHDS Living Your Design Guide from London, United Kingdom. I went through the traditional route to become a Living Your Design Guide and have trained with some amazing Human Design teachers who were original students of Ra Uru Hu - the Founder of the Human Design System. It also means that you can find me listed on the IHDS website here.


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Here’s my Human Design chart. If you know how to read it, this tells you everything about my energetic DNA make up.

If you can’t read it just yet, here’s an insight…

I’m something called a 1/3 Mental Projector. My chart reveals that I move through life by exploring deeply and have an ability to see deeply into individuals for the purpose of guiding and helping others when invited to do so. I’m here to lead when invited and have an incredibly unique way of understanding the world around me.


  • I am deeply drawn to travelling and finding environments that feel right for me. It’s one of the key drivers for me. It explains why I have lived in New Zealand, China, Malaysia and the United Kingdom as well as having travelled to many other countries around the world.

  • I’ve worked in many different professions including Communications, Digital Marketing and Public Relations, as well as having taught language, managed events and I’ve also worked as a Professional Medic. I was amazed and reassured to know that this makes complete sense for me as I’m here to try on lots of different identities in this lifetime rather than sticking to just one path.

  • I love new experiences and will (nearly) always try anything at least once. It explains why I’ve completed my solo sky diving training, done a canyon swing in New Zealand, learnt to surf (badly) in Bali and eaten many a delicacy in China and Malaysia.

  • At the same time, I am a deep thinker who takes in the world in lots of different ways. I really enjoy diving deep into a subject and investigating and learning it until I understand it fully. My mind is both my strongest and most reliable energetic asset, yet also my biggest potential hindrance and often takes me off track. It wasn’t until Human Design that I learnt a new way of navigating life that wasn’t with my mind or my gut (to my surprise as that is what other practices taught me to do!)

  • I have lots of energy for things I love and when I am invited into an opportunity by someone else, but I have learnt to honour the ebs and flows of my energy. I now see how important rest is for me based on my chart and fully allow myself to take time out for self care. So, when I’m not adventuring or trying new things, you’ll find me rewatching my favourite film, sitting in nature or having a salt bath (which I now feel WAY less guilty about!)

I’d love to talk more about human design with you