How Do I Experiment With Human Design?
I want to let you know how I jumped in and radically gave the Human Design experiment a go.
Clients always ask me, “How do I actually do the Human Design experiment?”, “How do I become brave enough to start?”, “How do I get my mind out of the way?” and “How do you trust so much?”
While everyone’s journey is different, I’m going to let you know how I deeply got into mine and how I got my mind to play ball while I surrendered to the experiment.
While you see who I am today, I was not always this way. I used to ask the same questions as many of you… Who am I? Where am I going? How can I keep up with everyone? Why can’t I keep up with everyone else? What am I here for? Why isn’t my gut guiding me?
I used to have panic attacks and anxiety. I used to visit Psychics and Astrologists multiple times a year to help me find direction. I tried to make money and do business like everyone else. I chopped and changed jobs like they were going out of fashion. I used to run away from all my problems. I used to start projects which would fail after a couple of months even though I tried HARD to make them a success. I let my mind enjoy the drama in the wake of my decisions. I used to force relationships and tried to fit in. I used to burn myself all the way out by working 16 hour shifts for 2 weeks consecutively with no days off and 6 hours of commuting each day for no profit after cost - genuinely a true story.
But I shifted this. I changed my mindset. In fact, I got my mind out of the way completely. I embarked on a journey that I couldn’t have thought up. Without this shift, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
For me, what it took to jump into my experiment was a shake up. A transformative experience. Something which opened my eyes to a whole new way of doing things.
I needed to understand why and how to get my mind out of the way. I needed something to reassure my mind it would be ok. I needed more information and more experience-based evidence before I gave my all into the experiment of Human Design.
So that’s what I did. I didn’t know if it was going to work but I found and took a Living Your Design Workshop - THE original and official deconditioning workshop designed by Ra Uru Hu (the Messenger of Human Design) which has been run around the world for decades! To my amazement, this workshop, and the group of people also on it with me, helped me to understand who I am, and why I was feeling so anxious and burnt out. It helped me to understand why my mind felt so powerful yet why I felt so misguided by it. It helped me to truly understand my strategy and authority. It cleared up the misinformation about Human Design and charts that I had read online. It helped me to understand how other people operated and why they reacted to me and to life in certain ways. It gifted me with so many permissions and helped me to move forward feeling empowered.
In fact, I have taken three Living Your Design Workshops along my way to really initiate me and keep me on my experiment.
Because of the profound affect the workshop had on my life (and through invitations), I became a Certified Living Your Design Guide so I could take people on this journey also.
Myself and my students have said they benefited by receiving:
Help in Deconditioning
Insight into why people are the way they are
A true understanding of your Strategy and Authority
Perspective shifts away from the mind
Permission and affirmations to be more YOU
Guidance in how to start your experiment
Relief in understanding who you are and why
A better understanding of how to connect with others
Practical help to align with who you are
Group support
Clarity on what is true and false Human Design information
Leaving feeling completely empowered and confident in making decisions