Living Your Design Workshop: My Experience

I wanted to share with you a personal story. 

I believe there is a strength in being vulnerable. I believe there is growth in being transparent. And, I believe in the impact of honest and open sharing of experiences. This is exactly what we do in the Living Your Design Workshop, and it is exactly what I wanted to give you a taster of in this email. So here we go…

One of the best things I ever did on my Human Design journey was going on a (rather confronting) deconditioning journey into the undefined and open centres in my chart during the Living Your Design Workshop.

I am a Mental Projector with seven Undefined Centres; two of which are completely open. That’s a lot of openness.

Undefined and Open Centres: our biggest lessons, areas vulnerable to conditioning yet also the keys to our greatest wisdom.

For us as Projectors, whether you have one centre or seven centres undefined in your chart, we have no defence against soaking it all in.

Projector aura: focused in on the other, penetrating into the information within their aura and absorbing everything.

This is both a hinderance and a HUGE gift. Projectors are here to be conditioned, and to gain wisdom from that conditioning. We guide from our ability to soak in the other. Yet, because of this, and because we are unaware of this process, we hold onto negative subconscious defensive Not Self talk.

The reason why looking into these centres was the best thing I did on my journey was because of how empowering it was to finally KNOW what my Mind was thinking and how it was making decisions. No other modality was able to get that deep for me.

I wanted to share some of these realisations with you now. 

Undefined Head Centre: My Mind told me that everything that came into my head was relevant. That all of my questions needed to be answered. That all of my ideas needed to be a reality. They came through like a pressure. It told me that nothing should get in the way of these inspirations and I should work endlessly dedicated to them. I would spend hours researching and hours strategising with burnout at the end of the road. If the ideas made it to creation, many of them went unseen and unrecognised by other people. I was left feeling deflated. Yet… continually repeating the cycle.

Open G Centre: My Mind kept telling me my journey had to make sense. That everything needed to move in a linear fashion. That I WAS my identity. That I needed to keep doing the work on me to finally figure out who I was and where I wanted to go. It kept endlessly looking for purpose and jobs. I didn’t know where I was going or who I was. I kept kicking myself and getting anxiety over not knowing like everyone else seemed to. I spent hours researching and applying for jobs, curating my external image, and worrying what people’s opinions of me where. I went to psychic mediums, astrocartographers and tarot readers to see if they knew where I was supposed to go and what I was supposed to do. I kept letting other people decide for me.

Open Ego Centre: My Mind kept telling me that to be worthy of that job/relationship/friendship I had to be better. I had to build up more and more qualifications. I had to message first always and show I was putting effort into them. My advice was accessible on tap whenever they asked for it. If they needed me, I was there. If the job offered me a low salary, I accepted it. If they wanted me to work more, I did - regardless of my energy levels. I was caught between trying to prove myself and letting others define my worth. I believed people when they lowered my worth.

Undefined Emotional Solar Plexus Centre: My Mind distanced itself from every emotion and conflict. It would tell me to deal with my emotions alone and to not burden anyone else with them. It would tell me to not rock the boat with people. It would tell me not to complain or tell someone something they don’t want or need to know. I would avoid arguments and when I got into one I felt awful. I felt all the feelings so strongly yet would never look into them. I couldn’t understand why the way other people felt deeply affected my mood. I often got told I was angry or sad when I didn’t feel this until I was in their space. Little did I know that I was a reflection to them of their emotions. I’d cling to the highs and avoid the lows. I’d satiate myself with food or love or anything that would lift my mood, rather than deal with the emotion.

Undefined Splenic Centre: My Mind kept telling me to hold on to situations and people that weren’t good for me. I’d be in relationships where the person wasn’t being nice to me, yet they’d still feel safe, homely and good for me. My instinct just wasn’t reliable - clearly -, yet I believed the talk of my Mind. Why wouldn’t I? I stayed in jobs longer than I needed to. I also took risks and was spontaneous with my decisions. I’d have friends and family looking at me saying “oh no no, that’s really not safe!”… and they were right but I just couldn’t see it! I didn’t know how to nourish my body or stay healthy. I was full of fear!

Undefined Sacral Centre: My Mind kept telling me to do more. To keep on going. To exercise more. To work more. My Mind told me, “I’m so lazy”, even if every day I was pushing through. I’d see my parents (who are Generators) do more than me and I’d not feel good enough. My Mind told me I was young and that I should have more energy. It told me, “You must be ill… there must be something wrong with you.” It told me, “Don’t rest when you’re tired. Push through. Everyone else can do it… so can you.” I was so burnt out.

Undefined Root Centre: My Mind was continually under pressure to move through life, quickly. To make decisions, quickly. And to get rid of any tasks I had to do, quickly. My decisions were all pressurised. I felt ungrounded and out of control, moving from one task to the next. My Mind told me, “If we get rid of this, quickly, we can finally relax.” Yet that relaxing time never came.


I can honestly say, the above was a clear and honest representation of the talk I had in my mind for YEARS. I had anxiety and low moods. I was having panic attacks and lost moments. I look back at this talk from my Mind and I think, “what chaos!” and “wow, how was I listening to this”… and more importantly, “why was I letting this guide my life!”

I have always looked to self-development. I have gone through therapists as well as many spiritual practices. Yet nothing revealed these thoughts as raw as Human Design was able to shine a light on. I honestly had no idea how much was being held within me. I also had no idea that these were my subconscious thoughts, and that they were guiding me. 

Confronting and unveiling these deep truths was so pivotal to my mental processes.

The Living Your Design Workshop didn’t leave me there. I had all this newfound self-awareness.

What to do with it?

Well, the workshop then worked to build me back up. It equipped me with practical knowledge and strategies to apply to my everyday life to snap me out of what I had discovered.

Here are some of those realisations…

Undefined Head Centre: I learnt how to decide which ideas mattered and how to get them out into the world without burning myself out.

Open G Centre: I learnt how to view identity in a new way and the power in an amalgamation of identities.

Open Ego Centre: I learnt to see my worth and reframe ego.

Undefined Emotional Solar Plexus Centre: I learnt how to tell if the emotion was mine or someone else’s, and how to feel it deeply and then let go.

Undefined Splenic Centre: I learnt how to release situations and people that did not serve me, and how to be safer with my risky decisions.

Undefined Sacral Centre: I learnt how to release the expectations of energy levels and honour my rest, truly.

Undefined Root Centre: I learnt how to make decisions from a place of stillness.

I can say honestly that these lessons are embodied each and every day. I can say I am MUCH happier, MUCH calmer and MUCH more self-aware of my inner process. I can say the success I feel now is due to this shift in process and it continually helps me now.

The reason I recommend the Living Your Design Workshop, and the reason I became a Certified Guide myself, was because of the impact this workshop had on my life and the countless other people who have experienced the same transformation. It comes from a place of embodiment and a place of vulnerable first-hand experience. Also knowing the workshop has created these results for decades as it was hosted all around the world. 

I welcome anyone who is ready to embark on this journey. Hand on heart, the most important thing for me is to create a beautifully safe space for you to feel you can be vulnerable. Supported by the group, listening to each other’s stories, and honouring when people are or aren’t ready to share, I hope to create the same space I was given on my journey for those who are ready to go through this now. 

Here are some words from people who have been on my Living Your Design Workshop before…


"You managed to throw the mind off its divine pedestal as a decision-maker and still sing its praise as an outer authority for others."

"Wow, Rebecca you have really mastered this information, haven’t you?! That was precisely what I was hoping from this. It really hit the mark and your examples really resonated and brought the information alive..."

"LYD with Rebecca helped me to understand what it means to actually live my experiment and put the information into action. I loved going through the course and the shared accountability that came from it. We took the concepts and made them practical in our lives in a way that felt fun and easy. Thank you for sharing this beautiful science of differentiation with me!"

“Love the clear descriptions paired with your own experience with HD. It was so emotional... part of a deep transformative journey.”

"Very cleverly done. You hooked our attentions and made us really curious! "This is an experiment, don't believe what I am saying, it's not a belief system" That's exactly what we want and need to hear. Your personal experiences are priceless to enhancing this workshop. Thank you." 


Rebecca Emily Raab: My Chart And I. Who Am I?


You Experience The World Through Your Definition