Deconditioning the Sacral as a Generator

Many Generators find Human Design at the point of burnout or feeling huge frustration trying to figure out what to do next. Generators (and Manifesting Generator) all have a defined Sacral center. This is life force energy consistently there - like a fuel tank of a car. It recharges/refuels overnight as you sleep. Lots of Generators are confused to hear that they should have lots of energy when they currently are feeling bogged down by life. It is completely possible for Generators to feel tired, lethargic and to have no energy. Let’s explore this further and discuss what to do about it.

The Sacral Center

The Sacral Center is what makes you a Generator. It’s a fuel center which consistently generates energy. The idea is, you go to bed each night, recharge and wake up with a full tank of energy to use throughout the day doing things which light you up. We’re taught that the Sacral almost has endless energy for the right things. Learn how to “Make Decisions Using The Sacral”.

How to know your Sacral is aligned with your path

Your purpose is exactly correlated to the things you have the energy for (which is held within your Sacral). If you’re in alignment, you’ll be feeling deeply satisfied opposed to feeling frustration. Read more about “The Generator Signposts of Alignment”.

Sacral Response

You’re designed to respond to life by answering the question “Do I have energy for this?” You’ll likely feel an expansion or a free flowing of energy towards something or you’ll feel contraction and frustration around a task. Essentially, there will be energy or there won’t.

“I’m Exhausted. I have ZERO energy and my Sacral isn’t responding to anything! Help!”

Many Generators are exhausted when they come to Human Design. Often I’ll hear a variation of “I don’t know how I got to this place”. Many Generators look at their current situation and feel bogged down by one or all areas and wonder how they got there.

Now, your Sacral center is designed to generate energy however it is also designed to degenerate if exerting energy you don’t have or which isn’t aligned. If your life is filled with frustrating big or small tasks which drain you, you first have to get rid, delegate or rebalance these areas of your life.

Your Sacral will be so depleted of energy. You’ll likely be in a space of fatigue and depression (or heading that way). Your Sacral has no space to respond to anything. There’s no energy left.

The Solution

  1. Your first step is bringing awareness to the fact there is an imbalance - knowing that you are exhausted because of the things you are doing.

  2. The next step is to truly understand the draining tasks. A useful and simple exercise you can do for this is to make a list of all of the tasks you are doing and put them under two categories - ‘satisfying’ or ‘frustrating’. It’s important here not to put the umbrella task in eg. “work”. It works best when you look at this task by task because it is likely there will be some areas of “work” that will be satisfying to you.

  3. At the end of your day, I want you to look at the satisfying vs frustrating list that you have made and I want you to see which column is longer. With Human Design, we want your mind to be OUT of the decision making process. To do that, we need to give your mind another job. This job is monitoring. Allow your mind to see how far (or not) you are out of balance.

  4. Your task over the next few days and weeks is to rebalance the columns. The first step to this is delegating out the tasks which are bringing you frustration or doing them less. Sometimes, simply knowing they are going to drain you lessens its impact over you. Of course, there are some draining tasks which you have to do, eg - the kids need to be picked up from school even if the driving element is the part which frustrates and drains you. However, think how you might delegate this out. Is there another parent (for example) who can drop your kids home and you share the duties over the week?


In summary - the solution is to clear your life of the energy depleting and frustrating tasks to give yourself space and energy to respond to the correct things. Otherwise your sacral will respond to nothing because it has no energy left to give because it has been used up already.

This process can happen overnight with firm, cutthroat decision-making. For many people however, they can’t cut things out overnight for whatever reason. This means the process is slower.

I also find there is a bit of an energy ‘hangover’ from being so depleted. So give yourself grace as you begin to decondition and empty your sacral from the years of doing tasks which have depleted you.

Once you have delegated and removed the tasks which deplete and frustrate you, and you’ve balanced the scale in favour of satisfying tasks, watch as you have new energy available for other things which are meant for you - which bring you deep satisfaction.

Do more of the things which bring you satisfaction, do less (or none) of the things which frustrate you.


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