The Head Center

The head center is a pressure center that receives mental pressure and inspiration. When undefined, it can lead to being preoccupied with questions and concerns that don't matter. The defined head center creates mental pressure in the world to understand things, while the undefined head center explores ideas and inspiration without acting on the mental pressure. The not-self state of both can lead to anxiety, self-doubt, and inappropriate mental decisions. The gates of the head center relate to resolving confusion, the unknown, and the need for answers.

Key points

  • The Head Center is one of the pressure centers, receiving mental pressure and inspiration.

  • 71% of the population has an undefined head center, which can lead to being preoccupied with questions and concerns that don't matter.

  • The natural and healthy state of a defined head center is to create mental pressure in the world to understand things, while the undefined head center explores ideas and inspiration without acting on the mental pressure.

  • The not-self state of a defined head center turns the mental pressure inward, causing anxiety, self-doubt, or depression, while the undefined head center becomes easily lost or overwhelmed by doubt and confusion.

Introduction to the Head Center

The Head Center; it's one of our pressure centers. This is pressure received from all around us. It's pressure coming into our head. This is inspiration, mental pressure, and questions about doubts and confusion. It’s the biological correspondence of the pineal gland in your body. The question to ask yourself if this centre is undefined in your chart is “are you preoccupied with finding answers to questions that don't matter?” So, think about it like this. We're receiving pressure to think. Inspiration is coming down into our head. We’re receiving it like a pressure. Thoughts are coming in and it’s creating the feeling of ‘I've got to do something with this’ ‘I’ve got to take action on this thought’. And that is where our energy is escaping. By continually resolving the pressure of the head through action or preoccupation of trying to find an answer.

Population Statistics

71% of the population is undefined in the head center. This is such a human trait. Receiving all of that pressure to think all about inspiring thoughts.

The Undefined Head Center

The undefined Head Center is occupied with questions, concerns, and worries that don't matter to you. You try to answer all of your own questions and the questions of everybody else.

Questions such as:

-       Where are my keys?

-       Where are the meeting notes?

-       What does this mean?

Especially if you have kids. Kids ask loads of questions, right? They always ask things like - “What does this mean?”

All of these questions come through as pressure. So, ask yourself, “do I lose focus easily?” Do you have one thought and then another thought and then another thought and then another thought… and so on, and do I act on those thoughts? Do I search for the answer or try to answer their question or go find the keys for them?

The Not Self talk of the Undefined Head Center

The not-self-talk of the undefined Head Center:  

  • “I need to find something inspiring.”

  • “Maybe if I go there then I'll find something inspiring.”

  • “I need to find an answer to my questions.”

  • “Where can I go to find the answers?”

  • “Who has the answers?”

  • “I've got to understand this and make sense of this.”

  • “Where can I go or who can I talk to in order to find the answers?”

You can see the constant thematic here - needing to answer the thoughts in your mind.

Completely Open Head Center

If you've got no gates in the undefined head center, so no hanging gates - completely open. This is not knowing what to think. There's so much inspiration coming through. Which one do I start with? How do I pick one of these?

Defined Head Center

The defined head centre pressures others to act on inspiring things or to give up worthy inspirational things. If you are with someone who has this center undefined (or your wondering what the affect defined head centres have on you as an undefined head center), the defined head centers give so much pressure to think, to act on those inspiring things.

I know, for example, I’ve got family members with this center defined and I’m undefined. And if my, for example, dad walks in the room and he always asks a question and wants me to figure it out. Things like, “oh, this car’s really nice. Can you research this?” I’m like, “no!” But - gosh - there’s a pressure. You feel it, but it’s not for you. He can research the car. It’s not for me. It doesn’t matter.

If you’ve got the head center defined in your chart, it is natural and healthy for you to create mental pressure in the world. It is natural for you to grasp and understand things. You’ll know that confusion, doubt, and clarity is a natural process and that these processes have their own inner timing and resolution. You’ll have the ability to uplift and empower others with both insights and inspiration.

The Head Center As An Authority For Others

Your head is an outer authority for others - this applies to everyone defined or undefined. Your thoughts are inspiring other people, therefore it's an outer authority to others.

Healthy State Of An Undefined Head Center

The natural and healthy state of an undefined head center explores ideas and inspiration coming from all directions. You’re open to the wonder of the unknown and uncertainty and does not act on mental pressure.

You do not take on the pressure of other people's need for answers. You enjoy the pressure to know more without becoming identified to it or making it your core mission.

You can enjoy the question or confusion and trusts that it will become clear, or not.

Not Self Of A Defined Head Center

You turn this mental pressure inward on themselves causing them to be driven into deep anxiety, self-doubt, or depression. This head center is for others, it's an outer authority. But when we turn it inward and we think, 'Well, why am I doing this?’ and ‘what does this mean?' ‘I've got to solve this answer’. Even with a defined head center, we can turn that inward and go into anxiety, depression, doubt.

You will attempt to resolve the pressure by outside action, making hasty and inappropriate mental decisions. You can be incapable of remaining patient, resulting in missed opportunities for inspiration.

Really, for that defined head center, it's about your thoughts, spontaneously resolve themselves. It's like pressure comes in. I don't have to put pressure on myself to do it. It's just going to come through. But when we put pressure on ourselves, that's where the issues come in.

Not Self State of An Undefined Head Center

You can become easily lost or overwhelmed by doubt and confusion and try to resolve other people's questions by taking on the worries of others. You can try to release mental pressure through action and lose focus.

Anytime we make a decision with the mind, and anytime we make action with the mind, it's always not self. So, so we're starting to highlight some of these problems. The head center is pressurized consistently here. And the head center here is pressurized by other people and the collective around us.

Gates of the Head Center

We've got three gates.

The 64th gate has the pressure to resolve confusion, and it has a past-oriented thought process.  

The 61st gate is the pressure to resolve the unknown; and it's very mutable. It's in the moment, in the now.

The 63rd gate is the pressure. To need an answer, which is future-oriented.

So this is the future, the past, and the present. If you want to look at it like that.


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