Is Human Design a belief system?

When you enter Human Design and you see all the new words (keynotes) and the cult-like following (with some HD lovers who can be pretty tough on newbies or people who can’t wrap their mind around the intricacies of Human Design), it’s very easy to think the system requires some faith and belief buy in. I can too see that it requires some trust which many would loose simply based on the origins story.

I get relatively defensive about those who accuse Human Design of being a belief system. It irritates me that it’s even in that category. Think about it, you don’t see astrology or personality tests being put into the category of religion. So why Human Design?

It requires belief of some kind but, in my opinion, it’s not a belief system.

Ultimately, it depends on your application and understanding of the system / tool. Before Human Design, I was a seeker of self-optimisation tools. Tools which would help me to understand myself and others better. I enjoyed knowing myself through any and all lenses whether psychometric testing or spiritual astrologically etc.

I think what jars people is the claim that Human Design is a science. Many people associate science with FACTS. Yet science is just a framework of theories trying to be tested. At the end of the testing rounds, conclusions are drawn. That’s no different to what is happening with Human Design.

When you go through any kind of traditional and official training in Human Design, the first thing a good teacher will say is ‘don’t believe anything I say - test it’. It’s the same thing I say to all of my clients. Take nothing on face value. This is untested theory. Some of it sounds wacky. Don’t blindly follow it. Carry on as normal and test out some tweaks to see the effect it has.

If the system works for you, and the tools help, great! Carry on.

I can’t help but think that the spiritual hijacking of Human Design has added to the belief system claims. There are people ‘channelling’ more information through and trying to homogenise people under this system - which is the complete opposite purpose of Human Design. You cannot BE a Projector, Generator, Manifestor or Reflector. You have to LIVE it. And in the living of it, YOU WILL BE DIFFERENT than any other Projector, Generator, Manifestor or Reflector. Your type just tells you how you are going to be interacting. It gives you the HOW not the WHAT.


An Introduction To Understanding Your Human Design Chart


Human Design by Type