An Introduction To Understanding Your Human Design Chart

After reading through this blog, you’ll have a short introduction to your 1) Type, 2) Strategy and 3) Authority.

1. Energy Type - an introduction


You are designed to have a strong focus into other people. You have a natural curiosity of people. This is perfect because this is where your purpose is fulfilled - you are here to guide. You’re specifically here to guide through a system which helps you to understand other people - eg, nutrition, finance, spirituality, science...


You are designed to pour your energy into what feels satisfying to you - depending on what energy you have available at the time. You create, nurture, birth and nourish projects with your ability to know yourself and what lights you up.

Manifesting Generator (Sub-Type)

Much like the (non-manifesting) Generator, you are designed to do what you love and what brings you satisfaction. Birthing, nurturing, creating and nourishing projects. Unlike them, you are designed to be multi-focused, skipping steps and needing to be nearly always doing something.


You are designed to initiate and lead your own direction - to carve your own path without waiting for permission. You have your own inner callings which you know if you are following or not. You’re designed to feel into your own way and be unapologetic to yourself in following it.


You are designed to notice things others do not. This is because you, yourself, feel different each day. You find your grounding over time. You spot the things which remain and which things change. This is vital. You reflect back to us who we are and what our society is.

2. Strategy By Type - an introduction

Projector - Wait for the Invitation

Projectors are here to wait for the invitation. Invitations are needed for your energetic interactions with others. You do not need invitations for things within your own resources that involve no one else. The reason for this is because Projectors are GREAT guides to others, but not such good guides to ourself. Our aura is mechanically designed to see others more deeply than ourselves. Therefore, we need to work in co-creation with others to find our path.

Invitations are a point of navigation and recognition. Ask yourself - “Am I being recognised?”. Invitations can both be BIG and small. At the core of this, we want to know if we are being seen and considered. Invitations are our only form of gatekeeping as a Projector. Once you say yes, they are in! Choose wisely.

Generator - Wait to Respond

Make the Mind wait! Listen in and surrender to your availability of energy. You have a defined sacral centre. This centre is where your consistent life force energy is GENERATED from. Your Mind will want to “work more”, “not rest”, “go to the party”, “find a new job” etc etc. Really, you are designed to have an availability of energy - and that’s how you decide. Your question is - “Do I have energy for this?” You won’t know why - so don’t listen to the reasons and justifications - this is from the Mind.

Your sacral centre is where this RESPONDABILITY happens. This centre is a FUEL centre. There is a very specific kind of fuel that you have available within you. It is no coincidence that that fuel is the EXACT fuel you need to find alignment and satisfaction.

“Do I have energy for this?” Listen to that and you can’t go much wrong.

Manifestor - Inform

You are the only Energy Type who is not here to wait! for anything - ... well... . The only thing you are here to wait for is your decision to be made. Once your decision is made, it is your duty to step into that decision.

To make the process easier for yourself, inform others. Interestingly, your strategy of “inform” is not for you! It is for others! You need to inform them so they can move out of the way for you to do what you know you need to do.

Your Strategy is to step into your knowing - initiate your unique path - and let others know as a nicety before doing it.

Think of EVERYONE who MAY be affected by your decision and let them know.

Reflector - Wait for the 28.5 Lunar Cycle

You know already - you feel different each day. Your process takes time. Your understanding takes time. It should be no surprise to you that your strategy for decisions is to SLOW DOWN. It may be a surprise just how slow you need to get.

You are grounded over time. In Human Design, the celestial point we refer to is the moon. This is because the moon has a regular 28.5 day cycle around the whole mandala. In other words, you’ve seen all the different aspects of your experience. The moon is a teacher and it hooks you up the same way each month. This is the thing which grounds you.

So - your process is to slow down. Wait a month. If you need a second month, take it.

3. Authority - an introduction

Solar Plexus Authority

“No truth in the now. Clarity comes in your own time.”

You are on your own timezone - just as everyone else is. Your timezone and your awareness (therefore your decisions), are determined by your emotional wave.

You move through your ups and your downs, your highs and your lows. All of this movement is awareness and perspective informing. You are not designed to make fast, quick decisions. Take your time. You are not here to make emotional decisions in the moment. Take your time.

You are looking for a clarity:

“70% sure that I am feeling this and I don’t know why.”

Sacral Authority

You are purely feeling into your availability of energy. “Do I have energy for this?” No words or explaining needed. Any time you hear words, you hear your mind.

Feel into the contraction and expansion of energy. Your body is telling you if that decision is aligned or not based on if you have the fuel to do it or not.

You’re looking for a HELL YEA!, never a “I don’t know” or a “no”. Act accordingly.

Splenic Authority

That little inner whisper which keeps you safe. Never telling you why or whats going to happen next. But always saying “stop!” or “no!”. Whether it's a physical bodily reaction and movement, or an inner knowing but you just don’t know why. Your safety instinct only happens once. It will not shout. It will not repeat itself. It’s your moment of knowing in the moment. Follow its knowing unquestionably.

Ego Authority

You’re either Ego-Projected or Ego-Manifested. Either way, this is RARE. The rarest of decision making.

You’re here to follow your heart. Your desires. Listen to your “I” statements. Eg, “I’d LOVE to”, “I feel pulled to write a book”, “I want to go there”.

“Is my heart in this?” Follow your heart desires and pulls.

G/Self Authority

Speak out loud. In this process of speaking with others and soundboarding, you are going to hear your truth. When you speak, you want to surprise yourself with your words. Speak it, even if it sounds silly or untrue. Hear it and then decide. When you speak, it’s like you are picking a lock. Each time to speak out a word, you discover if it’s part of the code or not. When you find the complete code, you’ll hear it in your voice and see it in your bodily reaction. You might benefit from someone listening and pointing this out to you when your voice and body shift.

Outer Authority

Firstly, feel into the environment. You are intuitive about environmental energy. It tells you A LOT. If the place feels right, stay. If you need to decide further, soundboard. Speak with multiple people over the course of a few days or longer. Listen for the knowings and the resonance in your voice.

Lunar Authority

Mark the date you first started deciding and set a reminder for a months time. See what you decide after waiting a full cycle. If it’s for you, it will wait. If you need longer, wait some more.


Understanding The Data From Your Chart


Is Human Design a belief system?