Moving/Travelling Without Invitation - My Experiment

Projectors, we are energy-less and momentum-less. We rely on the energy of others to propel us. As part of the experiment I experimented with travelling with and without invitation. I experimented with manipulating invitation as well. 

When I traveled under invitation, I had energy. I could do what I want in my own space however I was propelled each morning by their energy. Even though I didn’t enjoy the whole trip, I always had some propulsion. 

When you travel under invitation, you are travelling under the rules of the others design. You are under the influence of the others design but also their not self. Accepting an invitation from another to move is accepting the unwritten terms and conditions. 

It’s why your authority decision is so important.  Deciding if their terms are correct for you. It’s not knowing the terms. It’s feeling into it with your authority process. It will tell you. 

I knew the invitation wasn’t completely correct. But I wanted to trial it. 

Now, moving without invitation. I tried to manipulate an invitation. I moved on “feeling” to a new place. I felt I was being ‘energetically called’ with no logic or reason behind the move. 

I manipulated the invitation by finding a few airbnbs and saying to people I’m thinking about coming to X. They’d then invite me to stay at their place. 

The reason why this invitation only semi worked is because although I feel welcomed into their space, that’s all the contract was good for. The contract didn’t include propelling me through my travels in that place. 

So while I’m here, in this place, I feel propulsion-less. Now, the issue with that is, I feel limited within this house. I feel like I’m waiting for recognition. For direction. For movement and energy. For someone, anyone to come along, recognise me and invite me to do something. 

That will likely not happen here however. 

So I find myself logically trying to find something to do. 

And there’s a risk there. If I go to a place that isn’t correct (without invitation), I’ll feel bitter. And that’s the restriction of being a projector. 

But projectors must be seen. So I must find my way into some sort of position or place where I can be seen and directed through invitations. 

So I’ll follow my process. My 1/3 process. 

What am I interested in? What do I want to try?

But notice the mind. 

When you’re invited to a place, and really seen in that invitation, even though your mind tells you it’s the worst thing ever, even though it sees the worst in that situation, the energy is there. 

So projectors, you have choice. Say yes to an invitation and control the mind to step back. Allow you to enjoy the energy and propulsion and direction of that invitation. Otherwise you train yourself to think every experience is incorrect. When in fact, it’s what you are here to see and experience. 

The mind. 

When you do accept an invitation, you’re there for the ride. Right until the end. And you’ll feel the end but you do not control when that comes. So be careful with what you accept. Because you’ll be in it until the others terms change. 

Don’t feel guilty if you have nothing to do and no propulsion. If you traveled without invite, that’s going to happen. You will experience that. 

If you travelled under invitation for X job or X relationship. You’ll only have propulsion for that. You’ll need other invitations for anything else. 

Trust that it will come however. 

Follow your process. Take time for you. Sleep in your own space when you can. Put yourself in positions to be seen while doing things that are part of your process and, if you’re in the right place with the right people, you’ll be noticed and invited. 


You Experience The World Through Your Definition


Outer Authority - Mental Projector