Outer Authority - Mental Projector
The outer authority.
You’ll have this authority if you have no centres defined in the body below the throat. You can have the combination of head to mind or mind to throat or all three - head, mind and throat. But there will never be any defined centres below the throat. This type of design is known as a Mental Projector. You may also see this authority being called ‘none’, ‘outer’, ‘environmental’ or ‘soundboarding’. They are all referring to the same thing.
Already, let’s just talk about how open this design is. How much conditioning this design is going to be absorbing and amplifying. Think about how much their mind is going to be processing. All of that not self and conditioning to think about - and decide from (if you are in the not self process). This being will rely upon their mind. Everything else is inconsistent for them. Every person they meet will define them in a different way. It can be confusing. They are there, taking in their world and have a very consistent way their mind will process that. People with these designs in most cases truly trust their mind and the way they think. It’s all they have. It’s all that is consistent within them. They think.
So, you tell a Mental Projector the mind is not their inner authority… and it takes time. What do I mean by that? Well, this is an outer authority… What does that mean? Well, decisions need to be discussed with people in different environments which are correct for them. The decision cannot come straight from the mind, but rather filtered through the auras of others.
The thing is, and speaking as a Mental Projector with this design, you tell a Mental Projector that their mind is there as an outer authority to others and themselves - but not as an inner authority to decide straight from and they don’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe it or rather… it didn’t make sense to me for a while. We think that we can see the world so clearly and make sense of all of it. Give us time and we will make sense of a lot of it depending on what the intricacies of our designs are.
So, how does this environmental outer authority work in its process in the real world?
Well, when you receive an invitation (as a Projector), it is then ideal for you to talk about it with other people. To allow your mind to think - that’s ok - and to try and make sense of it but to keep talking about it through auric interactions.
We need to hear ourselves.
I spoke about how open our design is. How much we absorb from others. As Projectors we are here to know the other more than ourselves, to some extent. I think this outer authority shows us this perfectly. As a Mental Projector, we are not here to know our own thoughts but to know our own thoughts through the filter of another - to feel that reflected back to us.
There are two analogies that I would use to explain this.
The first is that of a bat using sonar. Bats find their way around dark spaces using sound. They send out click-like sounds and wait for that bounce back. It stops them from bumping into things. It lets them know what is going on for them and their position within the environment.
The second analogy is that of a tuning fork. As a Mental Projector, when you hear yourself or someone else speak, that reverberated sound comes back to you for you to hear. And like a tuning fork, you listen in for that resonance. The right frequency. And when it sounds right… its like a knowing. It fits. That’s the right decision.
And it can take a few times. It doesn’t happen after just speaking about something with one other person. You need to hear yourself talk to many people in many environments in order to hear the difference in resonance and to hear the one that feels right for you.
Some people call it a sounding board technique. Some other people suggest using this technique with a note pad or voice noting yourself. I’d say, try it. Experiment with it. For some specific Mental Projectors, that may work. For others, you’ll likely need auric interaction. But this is the experiment. So try.
Now, there are a few things that are need to be noted during this process. Firstly, if you are in the wrong environment with your open g-centre (which every mental projector will have)… that tuning fork, sounding board, sonar style way of speaking through decisions… won’t likely work. It’s likely that will cause an incorrect decision for you. Wrong environment, wrong everything.
Secondly, if you are speaking to someone who isn’t correct for you, this can also cause an incorrect decision. Think about it. You are speaking to someone and you keep hearing how silly you sound through their auric lens. So you go - ok - its wrong for me - decision made. I’m going to say no. When actually, if you spoke to the correct person, in a correct environment, you may have gotten a different feeling.
We all have those people we go to and know what result or what vibe they have.
This is why its important to go through multiple processes of this sound boarding with another person. To work out whether its the idea, what you’re saying, how you are saying it, if it’s the environment or if it’s the person.
When you are speaking with someone to make a decision, it is also so important that that person gives you the space to speak. The space to hear yourself. You aren’t speaking to them to hear what they think about it. And they need to know that. Let them know.
Right at the beginning when I started using this sound boarding technique. I used to get really frustrated and bitter because the person I was speaking with kept trying to offer solutions or wasn’t present when I was speaking with them. The technique simply didn’t work and I blamed Human Design for giving me a silly technique that my mind already knew wouldn’t work.
But then I tried experimenting with who I sound boarded with… and it makes a huge difference. Massive.
So as part of your experiment, try out locations, try out people, and try to not rush a decision until you have heard a yes or no through the resonance of frequency that comes back at you from your own voice through the auric lens of an other.
If you solely use one person in one location… it’s like you become what that environment or person is. You become an extension of that. And you are not here for that. Through many people you work out YOUR unique way… not the blending into what sounds right in that one moment.
Here’s my chart - I am a Mental Projector. I have a 1/3 profile so I love to explore and get to the bottom of things. This experimenting process of working out how this authority works is fun for me. It’s also challenging. I have spoken to a few other Mental Projectors who are on or have been on the same journey.
I also have one channel. This channel is named the genius to freak channel. And this is important to mention because during my initial experimenting, and even now, I hear that freak come out frequently. It’s usually that initially conceived thought which hasn’t gone through any refinement or soundboarding. I have friends who I go to specifically to refine the first thoughts because I don’t want everyone to hear them - I’m not ready for that - haha. And it always reaffirms to me how important the sound boarding technique is.
Without soundboarding out my mind, my mind creates realities that are not always accurate and therefore wants to make decisions based on ill-put-together ideas of reality.
Through that sound boarding process with people who I really trust, they allow me to speak it out. I can hear when I am sounding ridiculous - and that process of hearing myself and my thoughts is something that doesn’t happen in my mind when I allow it to go over and over and over it again and again by myself.
If you are a Mental Projector, we have a challenge. We have many challenges. We must find the right environments for us. We must find the right people to soundboard with. And we must start deconditioning from all that which we are absorbing everyday from other people and the programme. We must slow down as non energy beings. We must learn that our mind is great but will be our downfall if we allow it to run our lives. Give yourself the permission to lean into the permissions from each of those centres we’ve been through. It will make the journey to understanding this authority so much easier.
For me, and this goes off into a slight tangent but has a purpose, trust me. I found that this information, while at the beginning I couldn’t understand it, it made a lot more sense than what I was being told to me from other things. I have been brought up in a very spiritual environment and was always told to use my gut and stop being so in my own head about things. This was a very common thing I would be told.
This didn’t make sense to me. How could I leave my mind when my mind was something I trusted?!
How could I trust my gut when life seems so chaotic when I tried to use it to make decisions because I couldn’t get a clear knowing or answer all of the time?
I say this to you because you may relate to something similar in your life - and that it’s ok.
I look at the people who I grew up with’s charts now, and they are Generators with defined spleens and undefined minds and I knew I was very different than them before, but this clicked it into place. I’m sure many other Mental Projectors, including the ones I have connected to since exploring this knowledge found that their process was very different than the main stream and the advice they received was challenging.
So, Mental Projectors, or if you know any Mental Projectors, this knowledge can be so freeing. And when you start exploring with it, you can really tap into what it is that is correct for you.