Some Thoughts For Mental Projectors

Mental Projectors only have definition above the throat which leaves the body completely open.

The Projector aura focuses deep into the other and feels and absorbs in so many centres. 

The only place a Mental Projector has to trust in - or ground themselves in consistency - is in their mind. 

So it’s a big dilemma when you tell a Mental Projector not to use their mind to run their life. 

To give up that control and use your mind as only an outer authority. 

Often that mind definition is turned inwards and gets mental projectors into trouble. Because the channels are so mentally based, it’s so easy to not use the strategy of soundboarding. You want to keep all those thoughts inside. Especially with individual channels like the 43-23. 

When you allow your design to absorb the world and the people around you and then your mental definition to tell you whats going on… you’re missing the point. 

Mental Projectors are designed to operate using a soundboarding technique. 

You can have a set way of thinking based on what you have experienced yet until you externalise it, you’ll not know how accurate that thought is or if it serves you. 

A great analogy is that of a bat. A bat uses sonar to avoid bumping into walls and to direct it in a safe flight. When mental projectors soundboard, they are listening to the sound and words they put out reverberating off of another persons aura and in the environmental space they are in. 

When those words bounce back, through the aura of another, its like being able to hear your thoughts like a tuning fork. Does that resonate? Does that make sense? Or does hearing it aloud make it sound so wrong and misplaced?

As an extension of this however, as mental projectors are so sensitive to their environment, if you are in the wrong place, the pitch will never sound right and can lead you astray. If you are in the wrong place, speaking to the wrong people and using them as your soundboard. It is once again wrong. 

As with any Projector, the true self theme of success is a long process to get to. And for a Mental Projector, the real challenge is firstly learning the soundboarding technique and secondly finding the right locations and then people to soundboard with. 

What does that soundboarding look like? What it isn’t is listening to other peoples opinions. You are listening to yourself but through the energy of another. Its sound boarding with enough people for you to figure out whether its an ill resonating decision because of the person, place or your actual thought. 

When you find that average, its a deep sense of knowing. But its a challenge to get there because the mind is SO strong for a mental projector. Its all they have to rely on. 

None of the - trust your gut or your instinct. It doesn’t work. 

Trusting those can lead you astray yet modern society teaches us that we should trust. 

We should observe. We should watch. We should think and then we should soundboard. 

As with any Projector, you must be invited. And that is so important for a Mental Projector. No energy centres. No direction. No will. No splenic. We walk around only knowing we are sure about what we think. 

Yet, Human Design tells us we need to look again at what we think. We must talk through the other. 

The guide to the guide. Mental Projectors are known to be the ones who can see into others and even other Projectors. Your skill is seeing the other clearly and guiding. Your skill is reading an environment. Your skill is taking a temperature check of what is around you. Your skill is to observe and to let others notice you. Because you are different than many and people will notice. You just being you is enough. 


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