The biggest thing I got from human design were permissions to lean into who I was. This was something spirituality missed (in my opinion).

The permission to honour your energy

Sacral - you have the permission to get rid of the things in your life that you have no energy for. 

Non-sacral with motors - you have permission to honour your ebb and flow of energy. It’s normal for you to have bursts and inconsistent energy. When you feel to rest, rest. 

Non-energy - you have permission to take life at your own pace. You have permission to rest when you feel to. You have permission to be “lazy” and not feel guilty. You have permission to choose those around you who feel good and remove those who drain you. 

The permission to honour how you move through life 

Respond - you have permission to wander through life and wait for things to light you up. You have permission to only (or - at minimum - mostly) do the things which excite and capture your energetic attention. Why? Because you have access to almost endless life force energy, but it only is available for things you specifically get excited by. When you do things that don’t light you up, it will have a detrimental effect by your design. You have permission to not sit and make mental lists of inspiration but to wait until something naturally crosses your path and lights you up. You have permission to see what you attract into your world. 

Invite - you have the permission to create and be seen in your own space. You have permission to only enter into opportunities once you feel truly recognised for your unique gifts. You have permission to be picky about what you path you take. You have permission to protect your energy by only accepting and enter into invitations and opportunities once you feel seen. You don’t need to go under the radar anymore. You are unique and know how to guide. 

Inform - you have permission to initiate those ideas you’ve had. You have permission to not wait for “Devine timing” because you and only you know when the right timing is. You have permission to do life your way. You have permission to want to do you own thing - word to the wise, notice that when you inform before you initiate, you’ll face less resistance. 

Luna - you have permission to take your time with decision making. You have permission to change your mind throughout the month and only decide once you feel you have clarity. 

The permission to feel your fear 

Manifestor - you have permission to feel scared of rejection. But you also have permission to carry on regardless. Know that it’s not personal and when you step into your true self and initiate, rejection is part of the process. If they reject you, they just aren’t your people. 

Projector - you have permission to feel like you aren’t being seen. You have permission to feel as though no one recognises you. But, know that fear is there because you have an inate knowing that you are here to be seen. You have permission to fear that an invitation will never come. But know it will come once you begin recognising your uniqueness. And, try this - when you feel unrecognised, if it feels right, recognise the other and see how that plays out for you. 

Reflector - you have permission to feel the world is disappointing. You have permission to fear you don’t know who you are because you feel different everyday. You have permission to fear that you won’t be seen. But know, you are seen, you are here to experience different sense of self each day and you are here to wander in awe. 

Generator - you have permission to fear nothing will happen unless you initiate. You have permission to fear there will be nothing new that excites you. You have permission to fear the plateaus between steps. 

The permission to move from not self to true self 

Projector - you have permission to feel bitter - but know that’s not how it always has to be. You have permission to takes steps towards success - you are here to feel successful. 

Manifestor - you have permission to feel angry - but know that’s not how it always has to be. You have permission to feel peaceful - you are here to feel at peace with what you bring into the world. 

Reflector - you have permission to feel disappointed - but know that’s not how it always has to be. You have permission to feel surprised - you are here to wander in awe and wake up each day with new perspective and sense of self. 

Generator - you have permission to feel frustrated - but know that’s not how it always has to be. You have permission to feel satisfied - you are here to feel deeply satisfied in the work you do, the hobbies you have and the way you expend your energy. 

The permission you need for work

Manifestor - you have permission to want to do things your way on your time scale. You have permission to want to work the hours you want and honour the inconsistent energy you have. 

Generator - you have permission to do what you love. You have permission to choose work that lights you up. You have permission to create, do, build and feel deeply satisfied with what you do each day. 

Reflector - you have permission to move at your own pace. You have permission to mix up the tasks or routines that you have at work. You have permission to rest when you need to.

Projector - you have permission to step into the role of guide and share your wisdom - knowing that you have important wisdom to share. You have permission to be efficient - if you can get the task done quicker than everyone else, so be it! You have permission to have non-productive days. You have permission to be selective with who you want to work with and share your guidance with.

The permission you need for sleep

Sacral - you have permission to have no set bed time. You have permission to stay up late. You have permission to keep going doing the things you love until you feel exhausted and satisfied at which point you sink into bed. 

Non-sacral - you have permission to spend time by yourself before bed. You have permission to spend an hour or two in bed or relaxing alone doing things you love before feeling tired and sleeping. 

The permission you need for being authentically you 

Projector - You have permission to see the other. You have permission to guide the other. You have permission to study. You have permission to master a system that helps you better understand another. 

(more coming soon)

Aura permission (coming soon)

Permission from within each undefined center  

Head - you have permission to loose focus and take in lots of inspiration. You have permission to entertain inspiration that passes through. You have permission to let go of thoughts that come into your mind. You have permission to not answer thoughts or questions from others or yourself. You have permission to say “I don’t need to know”. You have permission to feel that mental pressure to think and to know but release it. You have permission to release that mental pressure by letting those thoughts leave your mind unanswered. You have permission to stop internalising and turning your thoughts inwards. You have permission to stop being so hard on yourself. You have permission to not know what will happen next. You have permission to tell yourself you will never know what’s coming next. You have permission to never figure out why someone did what they did. You have permission to allow all of these thoughts to flow through and then leave to allow room for new thoughts. You have permission to release the pressure. 

Identity - you have permission to feel your environment isn’t right for you. You have permission to not know your destination. You have permission to not know your next step. You have permission to try on lots of different identities. You have permission to dress or style yourself in different styles each day depending on how you feel. You have permission to find and return over and over to places which feel good for you. You have permission to leave places which don’t feel good for you. You have permission to move houses, cities and countries of the environment isn’t right for you. You have permission to go on a journey to find where feels good for you. You have permission to not identify with any one identity. You have permission to stop searching for your next step. You have permission to stop searching for someone to love you or someone for you to love. You have permission to try on lovers. You have permission to try on careers. You have permission to try on locations. 

Heart - you have permission to not make promises to yourself or to others. You have permission to think you are unique and irreplaceable. You have permission to never have to prove your worth. You have permission to not have to prove yourself to yourself. You have permission to charge a realistic and proper amount for your gifts and work you do. You have permission to not feel enough but know that you are inaitly enough.

Splenic - you have permission to feel bad. You have permission to feel unhealthy. You have permission to feel fearful. You have permission to feel safe in others companies. But. You have permission to leave when you know a person or a situation no longer serves you. You have permission to lean into that fear in a healthy way. You have permission to learn about how to feel good. You have permission to explore what makes your body feel healthier. You have permission to let go of habits you have made to make you feel safe and secure if they actually don’t help you. 

Sacral - you have permission to feel inconsistent energy. You have permission to choose who you are around because of how they “feel”. You have permission to spend time by yourself. You have permission to be both buzzing with energy and physically exhausted. You have permission to leave an event early because you know the next day the buzz will be gone and you’ll feel an energy hang over. You have permission to tap out of work before others. You have permission to not keep up. You have permission to be still. You have permission to take time for you. 

Root - you have permission to work in spurts. You have permission to wait until you feel enough energy before diving into something. You have permission to work to your own timing. You have permission to not keep adding to your plate. You have permission to say no to extra workload because you completed it faster than anyone else. You have permission to move more slowly. You have permission to be still and not act instantly when there is work to do. You have permission to feel slow rather than pump up with caffeine. 

Solar plexus - you have permission to feel no emotion. You have permission to leave someone’s space when their emotions feel too much. You have permission to feel confused by the emotions of others. You have permission to enjoy the emotions of others. 

(more coming soon)

Permission from within each defined Center 

Ajna - you have permission to think constantly. You have permission to conceptualise the world around you. You have permission to be fixed in the way you think. You have permission to tell others about your unique way of thinking. You have permission to find it difficult to clear your mind on demand or at all. You have permission to be “in your mind” - however not to make decisions from it. 

Throat - you have permission to initiate conversation when you feel called to. You have permission to speak strongly about a topic. 

(more coming soon)

The permission you need to conduct yourself

1 - you have permission to dive deep into research and learning. You have permission to understand as deeply as you feel you need to before you explain a topic or feel comfortable undertaking something. 

2 - you have permission to nurture your natural abilities. You have permission to sit in your own space and develop your natural skills. You have permission to follow your talents without necessarily officially studying. You have permission to take your natural gifts as sign posts to your geometry. You have permission to want to be alone until you feel called out by others for specific events or reasons. 

3 - you have permission to explore and go through life in a trial and error fashion. You have permission to enjoy the process and learn from all of you me adventures. You have permission to fail over and over as well as find success and unique ways of doing things. You have permission to have fun with it. 

4 - you have permission to lean on and support your network. You have permission to connect deeply with others. You have permission to seek opportunities for jobs, relationships etc through your network. You have permission to invest in time and money in your network. 

5 - you have permission to feel as though others project on you. You have permission to want to distance yourself from others when you aren’t feeling like it. 

6 - you have permission to lean into experiences and feel assured that as you get older and move through life you’ll enjoy it more. if you’re under 30; you have permission to experiment through trial and error. You have permission to maybe feel a bit uncomfortable in doing so. You have permission to try and fail and succeed. You have permission to make no lasting commitments at this time. You have permission to explore where life takes you. 

If you’re 30-50; you have permission to check in with yourself and step into more stability. You have permission to reminisce on all of those experiences you learnt from and use them to set goals for the future. 

If you’re 50-56+; you have permission to utilise your life experience to be a role model for the other. You have permission to action all of your learning and enjoy the life you actively create. You have permission to stand aside, feel more stable and guide where you see fit. 

The permission you need to create an environment you enjoy 

Markets - you have permission to be selective about what is around you. You have permission to fill your space with things you love and have collected along the way. You have permission to make your space you own. 

(more coming soon)

The permission you need for when you are taking in food and information 

Nervous touch - you have permission to move around when eating or studying. You have permission to feel restless. You have permission to want to eat in bustling places with lots of buzzy energy. 

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Routine permission

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Manifesting permission

(Coming soon)

You are different than anyone else permission

(Coming soon)

The permission you need for each day 

Reflector - how do I feel today and how can I experience awe today. 

Projector - you have permission to recognise yourself today. You have permission to stop being small and make steps to show people your uniqueness. 

(more coming soon)

The permission you need to reach your destined path

Master - you have permission to choose something that interests you and become masterful in it. 

(more coming soon)


Some Thoughts For Mental Projectors


Relationships: A Container For The Not Self