Surrenderment: Become Friends With Your Scriptwriter

A long time ago, I found a way to fall in love with the journey - the ups and the downs, the twists and the turns, and the cliff hangers. I want to share that with you.

I now imagine I am living in a movie. That I’m living in my own narrative. My own story. My own series.

Now, imagine there is someone co-writing your life story.

You are the main character. You can only control your decisions and actions but you cannot control everything that happens around you including who you bump into, the circumstances of the day, etc.

Instead of seeing those uncontrollables as happening to me, I started seeing them as an interesting plot twist. I’d physically stop and whisper to myself, “That was unexpected! Ok, let’s deal with this. New plot twist.”

A bit like your favourite series, you don’t know what’s coming next. At the end of the chapter, we are left at a cliff hanger. Just like what happens in life when you leave a job or a relationship and it feels like the end of your chapter.

But, as it is your favourite series, you appreciate the twists and turns. The cliff hangers are the reason you still watch.

When you co-write your story, you laugh at the storyline which unfolds. It feels like you are in an improv show. You need to react without preplanning. The twists and turns can be shocking, surprising, lovely, hurtful… but they make the story.

Now, as an additional step for those of you who feel connected to something higher than yourself, it’s likely you receive inklings about where you should go.

I like to think that is my scriptwriter sending me back a clue in the form of a feeling. A clue, a breadcrumb in which to explore to see why that feeling came in.

Sometimes I wonder who this scriptwriter is. Who is invested that much in my story that they wish to write it alongside me. To that I answer… sometimes I think it is me. A future version of me. An ethereal version of me. Or, perhaps we are just the universe experiencing itself. Maybe it’s me, the universe.

Surrenderment cannot happen without a trust in something bigger than yourself… and trust that you can deal with whatever circumstances come your way. 

I learnt to trust through the idea I had a scriptwriter personally writing my life alongside me. I couldn’t control their script and what I’d bump into, and they couldn’t control how I’d react or my decision. 

We have to work in harmony with our scriptwriter. I cannot try to control the script. They will not try to control me. I must always remember this. 

Every time the ups and downs happen, I remind myself that this is the journey. It’s what makes my life interesting. It’s what would give it its unique plot twists in the series that is my life. 

Just like a tv show, all the twists have to happen. And after all, this is the movie of life. 

My aim is to move in harmony with my scriptwriter as though they were my friend writing for my best interest. At the same time, I understand my role in my life is to navigate it with decisions. Decisions aren’t to be taken lightly. And your script writer always helps to remind you of that. 

Co-write your script! Go live the movie! Enjoy it!


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