The 8 permissions I gave myself after learning about my Human Design
I’ve learnt LOTS about myself since learning about Human Design. What’s more though, is that from these learnings I have changed. I’ve been able to do so because of the new permissions I have granted myself. Permissions I always knew I needed but felt previously wrong or lazy by societies standards. I’ve learnt that not everyone (or - more accurately - no one) can live up to the unspoken standards and conditioning of society.
So here are the top 8 permissions I’ve given myself since learning about my chart. Perhaps you can relate to them also…
Reminder to self: you'll constantly be looking for your true self if you're being something you're not.
1. I don't have to keep up
Finding out I'm a completely non-energy being was the first thing which changed my world. The people I surround myself with are energy beings and I could never understand why I couldn't keep up with them! I'd push myself to stay out longer and go out multiple days in a row - but I always felt more exhausted than them. I thought there was something wrong with me but, turns out, I'm not designed to do as much as those people. Since having that permission, I've not experienced a single burnout - and it feels GREAT.
2. I don't need to live a secret life
I used to people-please in order to avoid an emotional backlash from other people. I used to not dig deeper in conversations to find out the truth. I used to avoid arguments and just go with the flow as to not upset people. I used to go to events because I didn't want to make someone angry or annoyed or disappointed that I wasn't there. Human Design describes it as living a 'secret life' and boyyyyyy does that resonate with what I used to do. Knowing that I come from a place of emotional clarity while some others are on their own emotional wave is life-changing. Instead of me believing their emotions were because of me (when I really didn't do anything), I now know how to deal with that and live a life that is true to me.
3. I don't need to prove myself to myself
I have always felt I needed more certificates, degrees, qualification etc to prove to myself and others that I know what I know. I have always taken jobs which pay way below what I needed to live because I didn't believe I was worth more. I always worked overly overly hard to prove to others that I was worthy of the position I was in. I was always conscious of what my friends, family, boyfriend etc thought of me and always tried to prove myself to them - not because they asked me to, but because I needed to prove to myself I was worthy. Now I know that's not necessary.
4. I don't need to know my destination
I am constantly thinking and searching for my path, my journey, my destination. No matter how hard I look, I could never find clarity. I try lots of different jobs and feel pressure to identify with them. I feel pressure to choose one path. I now know I'm designed to be fluid in my identity and path. I'm here to try lots of identities on and be a chameleon in my environment. I'm here to be guided by those around me and to have fun exploring those identities.
5. I need boundaries - FOMO
Gosssshhhh, I never wanted to miss out. At university, I'd go out or work a night shift, then go to lectures the next day. I'd work five night shifts a week and then try to study - I was exhausted. I never knew when enough was enough. Even in that exhausted state, if someone then asked me on a night out, I'd say yes - ofc. I'd power myself on food, sugar and energy drinks! I didn't want to miss out. I can now see I don't need to keep going if I have no energy. I know I can rest and honour my energy.
6. If an environment doesn't feel right, I can leave
What's crazy is Human Design confirmed my already established theory (which no one else around me agreed with) - I get more opportunities in countries and places which feel better for me. I could never explain it. I got told "you make your own opportunities". But... I get zero opportunities in places which don't feel right for me. I always meet the wrong people in places which don't feel right to me. However, I get more opportunities when I am doing the same thing and being myself but in environments which feel right for me. I still can't explain it but this system says that about my design - I love that permission to lean into what I already thought.
7. It's good to wait
We are told to move fast - from one thing to another. We are told to make decisions quickly and in the now. We are told to take action. This system gave me the permission to wait to feel recognised before entering into anything. It taught me that many people make decisions too quickly.
8. My mind is never the decision maker
We all rely on our logic. We have all been told we need reasons behind our decisions. This system taught me that our mind is only a reason maker. It doesn't KNOW the outcome... it takes a guess based on logic. I love having the permission to make decisions based on my design and to remove the responsibility from my mind. I’ve learnt that although my mind is my strongest, most consistent element of my chart… it’s also the area most likely to take me off track.
These lessons have been invaluable for me. Knowing them is one thing, living them is another. Some days are easier to stay on track with these permissions, other days it’s really tricky. Human Design is intended to be an experiment to help navigate on a more correct and joyous journey through life. Here’s to keeping on trying!