Understanding The Data From Your Chart
Before reading this, firstly create your chart here. When people ask “What is your Human Design?” they mean they want to know your own version of this sentence... “I am a [1/3] [Mental] [Projector]”. Create your own version of this sentence before continuing.
The Data From The Centers
Let’s dive into the Centers. Each center has a general theme. Everyone has a different combination of coloured in (defined) and white (undefined) centers. The coloured centers are the places you can read about your consistent skills and processes. The white centers are the places you can read about vulnerable areas prone to challenges and forming defence mechanisms.
Head (Triangle at the very top pointing up)
White - “Am I thinking about things that do not matter?”
You are prone to overthinking about everything and anything. In particular, the ‘why’s’ and ‘what ifs’. You can fall down rabbit holes and get disctracted from tasks you were doing. Other people and outside influences pressure you to think. Your can get tired from the amount you think and the amount of times you answer other people’s questions.
Your skill is your ability to encourage thoughts in others. It’s a great skill for a teacher, coach or business person. You have a particular way of thinking (while still with the ability to remain being open). It can sometimes feel like the answers aren’t dropping in, in which case, go for a walk, a shower etc and the answers will come at their own time.
Mind/Ajna (Second triangle from the top pointing down)
White - “Am I trying to be certain about this?”
You are prone to defensive thinking and trying to know the answers about everything, even if it doesn’t matter or you’re not interested. You are worried that you don’t have an opinion or the answer when everyone else seemingly does. You can be worried about asking how something works because you might be seen as silly so pretend you know.
Your skill is processing the world in a particular way to form your own ideas, opinions and knowings. If you don’t know, you don’t mind learning and are open to applying your thinking to many different topics and processes. You enjoy the process of applying yourself with your mind.
Throat (Square below the two triangles at the top - placed around the ‘throat’ area)
White - “Am I being seen?”
You are prone to the spectrum of being seen - or not. Sometimes wanting to be seen and therefore repeating yourself, speaking over the top of people and not knowing when to stop talking. Or, the other end of the spectrum, avoiding being seen entirely because you don’t know what you are going to say. This can be heightened when you’re going to be recorded and your voice eternalised forever and send to many different types of people.
Your skill is your consistency of communication. You have your style of communicating and knowing what you want to communicate.
G (Diamond shape in the middle of the chart)
White - “Who am I?” “Where am I going?” “Who’s coming with me?”
You are prone to endlessly searching for your direction, your identity (career, hobby, style etc) and looking for love (or avoiding it entirely). You’re prone to linking your identity to your external image and possessions, and try to keep to ‘time’ of where you ‘should’ be.
You have a consistent pull to your own style and direction. You offer people your style (eg. a designer, CEO or coach with their own style) and direction (eg. a partner, friend or business partner liking the direction in which you're going). Your style and direction aren’t for everyone but they will be visible.
Splenic (Triangle on the left side)
White - “Am I holding on for too long?” “Am I making a spontaneous decision?”
You are prone to not knowing when to let go of people, situations and physical items. This can result in staying in a job, friendship or relationship for too long. It’s most detrimental to you when the job, friendship or relationship is doing harm to you - yet you still stay. There’s also a risk here of making spontaneous decisions that others would find risky or unsafe.
Your skill is making others feel safe around you. There is a ‘feel good’ system hardwired within you so long as you listen to what you know is good for you.
Sacral (Square in the middle, second from the bottom, in between the two triangles either side)
White - “Do I know when enough is enough?”
You are prone to endlessly going going going and burning out. Not knowing where your limits are because your mind convinces you that you can keep going. This can mean overdoing it with exercise, not getting enough sleep, experiencing burnouts, doing more work than anyone else, being the last one at the event/party/work.
You have consistent energy levels. They are not available for everything and anything. Your energy levels will need to recharge. But, you have energy for things and it feels super satisfying to do things.
Solar Plexus (Triangle on the right side)
White - “Am I avoiding truth and conflict?”
You are prone to people pleasing and not wanting to rock the boat. You are afflicted to not communicating your needs if it will cause an argument or if you think it’s easier to put your needs aside for a moment for other people.
Your skill is seeing the complexity of things, so long as. you wait over time to let your views percolate and fully form. You can be understanding to the ups and downs others face.
Heart (Smallest triangle in the chart)
White - “Am I trying to prove myself?”
You are prone to proving yourself and feeling like you need to get, be, do or become something in order to be a success and of value or worthy ‘enough’. There are endless conditions you tell yourself and are constantly striving to prove to yourself and others that you are enough and have done enough to deserve xyz.
You know your worth, even if you question it once in a while. You know there is something different about you, and everyone, and people are enough on their own. You make promises you keep and value others when they do the same.
Root (Square at the very bottom)
White - “Am I in a hurry to be free of pressure?”
You are prone to feeling pressurised by other people and then burning out because you are moving too fast trying to meet the deadlines set by yourself and others. You are prone to feeling you need to reply quickly to an email or message, or need to make a decision now. You may drive fast, walk fast, talk fast.
Your skill is moving at your own speed and not succumbing to the pressure of the world and other people. You need a release for the pressure otherwise the pressure can still become too much.
Energy Type
Next, lets look at the data from your Energy Type. This is the largest categorisation. It looks at how all of the datapoints land to categorise the big picture. This can explain to us the general way you operate and your interaction style with others.
Projectors have a strong focus and curiosity about other people. They are naturally interested in understanding and helping people. It’s best when Projectors study a system which helps them to understand people better - whether that be finance, nutrition, astrology etc. Projectors can feel overwhelmed by the work systems in society and are susceptible to burnouts. Projectors are highly affected by those in their circles and need people who can see them deeply or else connections can feel superficial and empty.
Generators create, nurture, birth and nourish projects. You put your time and focus into projects and master them through doing them every day or often. This is because they feel satisfying to you when you do them. You are designed to pour your time and focus into what feels satisfying to you - depending on what energy you have available at the time. This might switch between multiple tasks in a day. It’s important for you to rest when you need to and delegate out tasks and projects which feel frustrating to you, where you can, as these can tire you and wear you out leaving no energy for anything else.
Manifesting Generator (sub-type)
In addition to everything written above, Manifesting Generators are often multi-focused, skipping steps and needing to be nearly always doing something. Manifesting Generators have a business of feeling like they don’t know what to do if they are in between tasks or have nothing lined up for the day. It’s best to have lots of projects and/or hobbies going on so you can switch between them as you feel.
Reflectors feel different. Let’s start there. You can wake up each morning and feel completely different than the day before. You therefore notice things around us differently than anyone else. There tends to be an interest in the world (in some way). You see trends in our society over a long period of time and offer valuable observations. The work world can feel overwhelming and predictable. You need to see as much variety around you as you see within. This might mean taking different routes to work, having something different for lunch and booking trips to places you’ve never been to before.
Manifestors know there is a fire within them to do things their own way on their own time. Some of these things aren’t socially or family accepted. You likely want to work under your own terms and have a relationship under your own terms. It can be a viscerally annoying feeling when people tell you otherwise and get in the way with a ‘no’. None of this is bad or selfish. There is an unapologeticness about Manifestors. That’s not to say that they are forceful or don’t care about others - they do! There is strong self leadership within a Manifestor. There may also be leadership of others in your chart. Many Manifestors quell this feeling and let others lead the way but many report feeling much more peace when they take ownership of what they know they need and what they want to do in the way they want to do it.
Now we understand all of that, let’s explore ‘strategy’. This is based on your “energy type’ - how all the data points come together. This describes a process which will help improve your interactions with others, has the potential to improve your internal wellbeing and help you to make decisions.
Projector - Wait for the Invitation
Projectors - the theory is, it’s going to work in your favour to wait for the invitation from other people before making decisions. Invitations are not needed for everything and are not designed to limit you. Within this theory, Invitations are needed for when another person is involved. You do not need invitations for things within your own resources that involve no one else eg, going shopping, exercising, being creative.
Projectors are GREAT at guiding people and have A LOT to give with regards to information that they know, opinions they’ve formed, awareness of the world, business and people, ability to bring efficiency to systems and organisations. The problem lies in Projectors not knowing who and when to advise with that information. Projectors are not good at guiding themselves. This is because we are ahead of the curve on many things. Projectors have all experienced giving someone some advice and then 6 months later they come back having not followed it but now being ready to hear it.
Therefore, Projectors need to experiment with working in the timings and availability/readiness of the other person. When someone invites you, they are ready to hear it. Before then, we risk wasting our energy. Once or twice is fine, but this becomes a multiple-times-a-day occurrence for Projectors.
People inviting Projectors is a way of pointing out an option/route available now for that Projector to take or not. It’s a point of navigation for your direction. First, ask yourself - “Am I being recognised?” Projectors need to know they are being seen and considered. Invitations are their only form of gatekeeping. Once you say yes, they are in! Choose wisely.
Generator - Wait to Respond
Generators are endowed with energy. Daily energy for life. It recharges overnight. It is consistent. It’s just not available for everything and anything. It is still possible to burnout.
You have an “availability” of energy. You’ll either have energy for something or you won't. You’ll know because your body “responds” in such a way that makes it clear whether you have energy for it or not.
When you have the energy for a conversation, task, project, business, person... you will feel able to do the task and it will be satisfying.
If you don’t have the energy for it, you will feel frustrated by the fact you have to do it. Energy isn’t there. It isn’t interesting to you or deserving of your focus (it can feel).
You need to ask yourself throughout the day -
“Do I have energy for this?”
Listen to the answer and you can’t go much wrong.
Reflectors - Wait for the 28.5 day lunar cycle
Reflectors, you know already - you feel differently each day. Therefore, when you make decisions, it should be no surprise that your process takes time.
You must SLOW DOWN with decision making. It may be a surprise just how slow you need to get.
The theory is you need to wait one full month before you make a decision - particularly around big things like whether to move house or accept a job or enter into a relationship or try a new lifestyle,
So - Slow down. Wait a month. If you need a second month, take it. See how your decision changes as the days pass by and see what your overall decision is at the end.
Manifestors - Inform
Manifestors, you are the only one’s who are not advised to wait for anything... well... the only thing you are here to wait for is YOU. You need to wait until you have made your decision. Once your decision is made, it is then about moving in that direction.
To make the process easier for yourself, the theory is to inform people who it will affect. Inform people so they can move out of the way for you to do what you know you need to do.
Finally, I’ll discuss Authority. This is based on data hierarchy of the coloured centers. The one with the highest ranking becomes the reliable process for your decision making.
This offers an alternative way to make decisions which can combine or, ultimately, replace thought- and reason-based decisions.
Solar Plexus
Instead of the mind, you are here to decide with emotional intelligence.
“No truth in the now. Clarity comes in your own time.”
While you are not here to make emotional decisions, your emotions do rule you. You are best not making fast, quick decisions. Take your time.
You are looking for a clarity of how you feel about something.
“I’m 70% sure that I am feeling this way and I don’t know why because logic says...”
Instead of the mind, you are here to decide purely on whether you have energy for something or not.
“Do I have energy for this?”
No words or explaining needed. Your body knows if you have energy or not.
You’re looking for a HELL YEA!, never a “I don’t know” or a “no”.
Instead of the mind, you are here to decide based on that little inner whisper which you know keeps you safe. Whether it's a physical bodily feeling or an inner ‘knowing’. The instinct only happens once and it will not shout or repeat itself. Follow these inner knowing unquestionably.
Instead of the mind, you are here to make a decision based on where your desires want to take you. Listen to your “I” statements. Eg, “I’d LOVE to”, “I feel pulled to write a book”, “I want to go there”.
“Is my heart in this?” Follow your heart desires and pulls.
Instead of the mind, you are here to make a decision using your voice. In this process of speaking with others and ‘soundboarding’, you are going to hear what you need to do when you speak it out loud. Allow yourself to surprise yourself with your words. Speak it, even if it sounds silly or untrue. Hear your voice and then decide.
When you speak, it’s like you are picking a lock. Each time to speak out a word, you discover if it’s part of the code or not.
Instead of the mind, decide using the environment, firstly. You are particularly sensitive to your environmental. It tells you A LOT. If the place feels right, stay. If you need to decide further, ‘soundboard’. Speak out loud with multiple people over the course of a few days or weeks. Listen for the knowings, consistencies and the resonance in your voice.
Instead of the mind, try decide after a month. Mark the date you first started deciding and set a reminder for a months time. See what you decide after waiting a full cycle. If it’s for you, it will wait. If you need longer, wait some more.
The Experiment Of Human Desing
Human Design helps us to know how different we are than anyone else and HOW to align with our uniqueness. Much of life is determined by the decisions that we make.
Your Human Design Experiment involves taking the datapoints in your chart, knowing what they say and, particularly, understanding how to use your ‘Strategy & Authority’.
The key to confidently making decisions is understanding how to use your Strategy & Authority. Whether it’s waiting for clarity to be revealed through your emotional wave after knowing you have the energy for it, or soundboarding out your thoughts to friends, family and strangers once you received an invitation, or trusting your instinctual instinct to guide you unquestionably.
Your experiment relies on you being FULLY able to understand your Strategy & Authority.