What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You’re A Projector?
This conversation is for you if you have just made your chart and you have found out you are a projector, or you have made a friend or family member’s chart and they are a projector - and you want to find out more.
So - welcome to human design- and firstly how fabulous that you have found out you are a projector - I too am a projector.
I want to start by acknowledging that you likely felt very different than people around you. And im here to tell you that Human Design is here to acknowledge that and give you permission to BE different.
You’ll likely:
Unable to keep up with everyone around you
Trying to live the same as everyone else but not enjoying it as everyone else is - or just not able to do the same amount
Feeling misunderstood by people around you
Not feeling seen by people around you
If you are here because of a family member, it’s likely your projector - who doesn’t know they are a projector - will feel this way.
Now, truly, projectors are not here to live life the same way as the majority of the world.
That may be a relief to even hear that as a projector.
I know I definitely was -
This was the first system to explain why I was so different than anyone else.
I want to give you permission to know:
You do not have to keep up
You are not here to work the 9-5
You are not here to run the same race as everyone else
It’s time to leave the race and enter your own path
Does that feel freeing to hear that?
Why did we become so conditioned to do more and be more?
Projectors, this all starts from when you are growing up. Most of the time you will have grown up around generators. Generators are 70% of the world. They are here to be doer and workers and creators.
And for you - you are here for a different role.
You are here to be seen and recognised and to guide, yet you were likely born into a family where you cannot guide, because you are learning. Because there is a hierarchy. Because you are not seen as a guide. But you are wise beyond your years.
Your family likely do not / did not see you as deeply as you need them to and they were more focused on themselves. They are designed to be very different than you. They are designed to look inwards more. They do not realise that you feel different and need different things than them. You need to be acknowledged and seen and recognised.
Now, - naturally- You make sense of who you are and the world around you by being an observer of life. By observing people - and very often, then becoming what you see. - Which is the big trap. You’re not here to become what you observe - but just to observe. You were designed to observe because you are here to KNOW people - deeply.
You wanted to be seen by your family so you would have shown them your art or you doing some sports, and if you are lucky, you are recognised but for most projectors, their parents or their caregivers will brush past it and we learn this bitterness. Because we dont feel seen. This then carries on into schooling and friendship groups and then into work.
We get used to not being seen or understood - and therefore not knowing who we are - so we keep trying to find out and prove our selves - and work harder.
We grow into people who never know when enough is enough, always trying to win the attention of those around us in the hope that we are truly seen and recognised for who we are. So that someone can see us.
While we are growing up, we are observers of the world - so we learn a lot about people. We are curious and want to know the depths of those around us. Many of us are intuitive and instinctual about this.
We can easily see what other people should be doing. We can easily guide them.
But most of us, in our attempt at guiding the other, will feel a sense of bitterness because it wasn’t well received.
It can feel like a sick joke of why do I know this if no one will listen.
You often know things way beyond your time and months or years before it even happens.
Now - enough of explaining how and why we are the way we are.
What about what we ARE here to be?
Listen, projectors are here as the newest energy type. Newness always means misunderstood.
You are here to feel a deep feeling contentment - called success. You are here for success in all areas of life. This is not material success or success labeled by society. It is a feeling of recognition.
You are one of the 20% of the world who have a focused and absorbing aura. An aura which zooms in on the other to learn about them. It’s how we know so much about other people. It’s why you are so intuitive and curious about people. Your aura is designed to penetrate deeply into other people and learn. It’s why we can feel so unbalanced when we look inwards too far, too much of the time.
That feeling of bitterness - of not being seen or recognised or understood - is actually your sign post that you are forcing something. That you are interacting in a way which is not correct for you. Or that you are expecting something from a situation or a person. That your mind is attached to something.
One of the main dichotomies of being a Projector is you are a great guide to other people, but you really are not a great guide for yourself.
We cannot turn our advice inwards. We have to learn outside of ourself by looking at our mirrors - other people around us.
To navigate life, we therefore have to surrender and relax into the co-creation of experience. We have to wait for invitations. Invitations of people inviting themselves or inviting experience into your life.
We’ll speak more about this.
As a projector, you have a KEY role. The newest energy type - the projector - is here to guide. You are here to guide us through the changes which are happening on the planet. There are some big shifts coming. You may have heard about 2027 and the global cycle shift in human design - if not, I will talk about this in another video.
Your role is to guide. And part of that is to be ready.
The time is now. The time is always.
Yet to be ready, you have to see people. You have to understand people through a system.
This is how you guide. It is how you find success as a projector. Guidance. And guiding through a system.
It can be any system. It can be a modality like human design or astrology. It can be through a subject like finances or physiotherapy. I can be through creative pursuits such as art and music. It doesn’t matter what it is, but you are here to know people through the lens of systems.
Why is this all important?
When we talk about projector alignment and projector success, we need to paint an entirely new image than the one we have of success in society.
The current western world is not really designed for anyone to thrive, but especially not projectors.
A projector in alignment is different for each and every projector. Yet they always have the same components.
You will be doing less than the people around you
You will be feeling success - or a movement towards success
You will be being recognised for your guidance
You will be able to spend time observing people, being curious about people
Now, how you get to this and what your specific alignment and success looks like.
Your specific success is very individual than you. This is the science of differentiation after all. You can find incredibly sophisticated and intricate information in your chart. I would recommend a Human Design Reading to truly understand how your chart describes you.
But either way, to align with your success. To align with your path…
You will need to co create with those around you.
You will need to turn your gaze outwards to find your balance.
You will need to surrender to the timings of other people rather than your inner knowing. - You can prepare for the right time - but the right timing is always invited by others.
To align is to wait for your strategy - of waiting for the invitation.
Invitations are our sign posts. They are our navigational points in life. Without an invitation there is nothing to decide because there is nothing to navigate.
When I say this, I refer to the decision moments. I am not referring to you and your everyday self sustaining life.
You do not need an invitation to go to the shops or to eat or to shower.
Invitations are for our energetic interactions with other people. Who we allow into our lives based on who is inviting themselves into our lives. - Not the other way around, you inviting or (even trying to force your way into their lives).
Invitations are from people who invite you into jobs, relationships, experiences.
Projectors are designed to glide from experience to experience. To flow between invitations.
And when you do this, you align with the path which leads to your projector success.
If you are starting out, start watching for the moments you feel bitterness. Moments where you feel misunderstood or unrecognised. Or recognised for the wrong things.
Start noticing the role you are playing in this bitterness.
Are you forcing a conversation?
Are you forcing advice?
Are you trying to be seen by a lover or a friend or a parent?
Where is your resistance? - What are you TRYING to make happen?
Start noticing compliments. Start accepting compliments.
It helps you to start feeling accepting of yourself and your talents.
Start noticing invitations all around you. They are more common than you think.
Look for the specific invitations. Invitations which have come to you - unmanipulated - from another person who recognises you for your true essence. Often invitations are accompanied by support or resources.