What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You Are a Generator?

This conversation is for you if you have made your human design chart and you have found out you are a GENERATOR, (or a Manifesting Generator)… or you are here to find out more about your friends and family who are generators.

So - welcome to human design- and Let’s speak about what what it’s like to be a generator and how to align with the flow of your life.

Right now, when you first come to Human Design you’ll likely feel: 

  • Unsatisfied with some or all areas of your life

  • Drained by some or all of the tasks you do 

  • Like a cog which doesn’t fit in with the life you are living and confused as to how you’ve got yourself in that situation.

  • Frustrated that some things you are trying to do aren’t working out - even if you are following a recommended plan or a well tried pathway

  • Confused as to why you feel restless with energy however when you use your energy - it doesn’t feel satisfying 

  • Confused as to why you feel drained when you thought you had energy available 

  • Some of you may be having trouble with sleeping - not being able to get to sleep at night

  • You may be frustrated with work

Now, truly, Generators are here to LOVE the things they put their energy into. You are here to feel satisfied after doing a task, going to work, hanging out with your friends or doing a hobby. 

But so many of you are using your energy for jobs, people, hobbies, errands and so on which are depleting your energy. 

You have energy available to you, but not for everything, and not for all the time.

It may feel interesting to know that when you become a little more selfish and commit your energy to things which light you up, - that you will align with your path AND it will benefit those around you too.

There might be a part of you deep down that knows your satisfaction in life, will be beneficial for everyone around you.

For some of you, this may feel like a far off dream and you have been warned away many times from this type of life. You may have been told you can’t do what you want to do but what you MUST do. You may feel bogged down by your obligations and responsibilities. 

I want to give you permission:

  • You are here to feel deeply satisfied by the work you do and with the people you hang around with 

  • You are here to be lit up and inspired, even deeply engrossed and busy, with the things you love.

  • You are not here to feel frustrated by life - feeling like you are pushing and forcing things to happen

Does that feel freeing to hear that?

Is there resistance coming up?

Why did you become so conditioned out of the things which felt good to you - the things you were lit up by in life?

When you think about a Generator growing up. Generators have their own source of energy. You have energy for what is aligned to you, and no energy for the things which are not aligned to you. This energy availability is different for you than anyone else around you. 

When you were growing up, this inner energy which guided you would have been squashed and kept small. You would have been guided by your parents or your care givers. Their decisions would have overpowered your own. Defaults or “have to do” tasks overran your passions and interests.

You would have seen a playground, or an after school club - know you have the energy for it - but your parents of care givers may have talked you out of it. Their availability of energy or their view of the hobby you wanted to do - ruled. 

Many Generators would have been taught to conform. To fit in with what everyone else is doing. To socialise. There would have been family events, friends parties and other occasions where you knew you didn’t have the energy or even a desire to be there, yet you were told you had to go.

You would have been conditioned to be a go-getter. To succeed in life by knowing your mind. Knowing how to weigh up the pros and cons, the for’s and against’s. To rationalise and explain your decision. To be successful by following the path of whatever your surrounding people thought was successful. 

When you said you were tired or uninspired by a subject or class at school, it wouldn’t matter and you were told to get on with it. We aren’t all programmed to have the energy available for every class and subject - or to think the same way. 

And when you were given the option to decide on something, you may have replied with a ‘uh-huh’ ‘nu-huh’ or a movement away or towards - without any actual words. This is when you would have been prompted to explain what you are thinking. To explain your decision. And - in all honesty - there is NO WAY that you would know why you did or did not have energy for something. So you were taught to make up reasons for things. And if there was not a good enough reason for not doing something, or a good enough reason for doing something - you’d convince yourself on the decision and ignore your inner energy availability. 

Everything within your childhood was conditioning you out of your inner guidance. 

You were taught that your energy and knowing couldn’t guide you. You were taught you did not know yourself and you should think your way through life.

Now - enough of explaining how and why generators are the way they are. 

What about what you ARE here to be?

Listen, Generators are here to be expansive, lit up, creative, and satisfied with their energy use. You are the doers and the builders of the world. You have energy available to you for the things which are going to feel satisfying to you. 

The feeling of frustration is your sign that you are trying to force or initiate something. That you are trying to fit in - or to the right thing for others as opposed to doing the right thing for you.

Your aura is open and enveloping. It wraps people in your energy. You also take in the energy of everyone else too. 

You are designed to emit a satisfied energy which powers everything around you. It grows the things around you. It’s like feeling passionate about caring for a plant and that plant then feels that energy and grows. Opposed to feeling like its a chore and a plant never lives around that energy.

Your type question is “who am I”

No one is going to know you better than you know yourself. No one should know you better than you know yourself. 

You have to know yourself in order to be satisfied by life and to align with your life purpose. You have to look inwards. You have to be able to feel into your own energy. You have to know what works for you and what doesn’t work for you. You have to know when to say no or yes to experiences, to jobs and to people. You have to know when to conserve energy and when to expend energy.

Now, how do you align with satisfaction and your true path? 

Your life WILL look different than anyone else around you. You have to be ok with being different and knowing yourself. You have to be ok with following that path. 

No one else can do that for you.

What is great about Generator alignment is it can happen OVERNIGHT.

You simply need to make a different choice.

Yet - so many generators know what they need to change. They know what they need to get rid of, but they have all these reasons for not making the change. 

You are keeping yourself stuck.

There is no other way to put it.

You have access to life force energy. The other 30% of the world does not. You have access to everything you need. Your energy is consistently available for that which you are here for.

You will have the energy for the thing which aligns for you. You won’t have the energy for the things which you are not here for.

Your strategy to align is to respond. Respond to life with your availability of energy. 

Your question is - do I have energy for this?

Is this leaving me feeling satisfied or frustrated?

And get specific. Feel into this on a task by task basis rather than categorising things into work, play, relationships, hobbies. 

What part of the relationship is causing you frustration?

What part of your job isn’t working for you?

I want you to become very consciously aware of these things.

I want you to make two lists - one of things which are causing you frustration. A block in energy flow. A depletion of energy. 

The other - a list of things which are lighting you up and creating a feeling of satisfaction within you. Your energy is being used but it feels satisfying.

I want you to start moving away from, delegating out or setting boundaries around the things which are causing you frustration and a depletion of energy. I want you to start doing more of the things which are lighting you up.

Why? You are magnetic. When you do more of what you love, you go into flow of your energetic alignment frequency. 

Why, again? Because you will ONLY energy availability for things which are serving you. And you will never have energy for the things which don’t serve you.

The universe isn’t playing a sick joke on you. You have energy for what you need energy for. That is what will align you to your purpose. That is what will create a satisfying life. 

You are going to need to surrender.

And here is the challenge for a generator.

You have to surrender with your mind. You have to stop making reasons for the things in your life. You have to stop making reasons for the things you are doing in your life. You have to stop making reasons for the things you want to say yes or no to.

Your challenge is to feel your availability of energy and DO IT or DONT DO IT. Without providing a reason.

That is the only way you’ll align.

The caveat here - is if you have the emotional solar plexus defined - if you have the emotional authority - if your triangle on the right hand side of the chart is defined. You must feel into this and wait over time to see if it remains mostly consistent for you.

If you don’t have that centre defined. You have to act based on solely your energy levels.

When you do this, you align with the path which leads to your generator satisfaction. 

If you are starting out, watch those moments of frustration and satisfaction. Watch for those moments where you talk yourself in or out of things. Watch for those moments where you self abandon your energy availability because of conditioning from other people.

What are you forcing?

What are you pretending?

What are you ignoring?

Where is your resistance? - What are you TRYING to make happen? What are the narratives which are stopping you.


What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You’re a Manifestor


What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You’re A Projector?