What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You’re a Manifestor
This conversation is for you if you have made your human design chart and you have found out you are a Manifestor,… or you are here to find out more about your friends and family who are Manifestors.
So - welcome to human design- and Let’s speak about what it’s like to be a Manifestor and how to align with the flow of your life.
Right now, when you first come to Human Design you’ll likely feel:
Annoyed that things aren’t working out the way you imagined
Angry that you can see what needs to happen but people keep getting in your way
Irritated that things aren’t happening around you without your involvement
Misunderstood by people around you
Distant from people around you
Powerless - or not fully in your power
Waiting for things to go your way
Waiting for the right people to come into your life or for the right job to come along or the right partner
Burnt out and working all the time
Confused why people see you differently and treat you differently than other people
Confused as to why some people seem stand-off-ish, cold, distant or scared of you in a work, family or friends capacity
Now, truly, Manifestors are here to initiate and make things happen. You are here to feel at peace that you are moving in your own direction.
But so many of you are sitting back - waiting for things to happen. Waiting for the love of your life to ask you out on a date. Waiting for your job to give you the promotion. Waiting for someone to ask you to go on holiday. Waiting for someone to give you permission for a day to yourself.
And while you are waiting, you are getting angry. Angry that the person hasn’t asked you out. Angry that you aren’t feeling in alignment. Angry that you expect someone else to initiate this alignment for you.
You’re going to be tired because you submit to the productivity cycle of society - and burn yourself out. You try to keep up with everyone else - to fit in and be understood. To be accepted. To not feel so distant from everyone.
You may be interested to know that much of Human Design for Manifestors is about getting you to stand in your own power and to inform people of what you know you want, rather than waiting or asking.
You are here to know what it is you need, and go and get it. You are here to do those things regardless of the impact it has on others around you - however there are ways to soften this impact - which we’ll speak through.
Firstly, I want to give you permission:
You are here to feel at peace with your life and the projects, jobs, relationships which you in
You are here to step into the burning power you feel inside of you which you have been keeping small for so long
You are not here to feel angry or have outbursts because you feel like others don’t understand or are getting in the way. You are here to move past the pushback of others. You are protected by your aura. You are here to lead your own path and initiate your own way.
Does that feel freeing to hear that?
Is there resistance coming up?
Now - let’s look into why you became so conditioned - and why it has led burn out, anger and resentment.
When you think about a Manifestor growing up, you were very very different. Manifestors are 9 or 10% of the world, and your aura is designed to be very very different than everyone else on this planet.
The first thing you do when you land on planet earth, is be held by your caregivers. Yet the Manifestor aura already will be giving off a sense of separateness and independence. Your aura is designed to repel and be closed to others. This is because you are a born leader of your own life - and some of you Manifestors are here to be born leaders of groups of people. Your aura is there to protect you in this move through life. So you can initiate your way through without the bogging down of others push back.
But back to being with your care givers.
Your care givers would have noticed a difference. Especially when you started growing up.
Manifestors tend to be seen as rebellious, or doing their own thing. And Manifestors tend to do their own thing and not tell anyone they are about to do it.
So, you as a child, may have wanted to wear a certain style of clothes, or wanted to do a particular after school activity. You may have wanted to be friends with certain people and not friends with others. And there was something inside of you that didn’t even think this was strange. You just knew what you wanted and saw no reason for it not to be ok.
So, Manifestor kids tend to go play in the garden by themselves - they’ll go crawl off, or they’ll walk off - and sit in the garden playing with their toys or whatever. The problem is, their care givers didn’t know where you were. So when they found you, you’d get into trouble. You weren’t understood. You couldn’t understand what the issue was. So resentment builds. Anger builds. Because to you, the garden was peace. You wanted to go into the garden and you going into the garden gave you peace. However your caregivers telling you that you couldn’t was getting in the way of your peace. So you’d get angry.
All the issue was here was that you didn’t inform. It shocked your caregivers. They got worried. They said no to you.
If you are a caregiver to a manifestor, teach your child to ask for permission and always say yes unless there is a real reason to say no.
So - in this process - there can be an anger that builds with Manifestors. And it’s not understood by their caregivers because it’s not the usual way for a child to behave. You are a completely different energy type with a completely different aura.
The truth is, Manifestors are here to have an impact on the world - but the dichotomy is that Manifestors DONT REALISE their impact on the world or other people. So they can get angry and not realise how hurtful their actions are. They can try harder to have an impact so that they feel noticed.
As you move through childhood, you would have learnt that you couldn’t do whatever it is you wanted to do. Or when you did there was pushback. You would have realised that people didn’t understand you or see you as a leader. Family relations can be affected by this.
Later on in life, this would have transgressed into you playing small and fitting in. Putting your head down and being productive.
Feeling inside of you what you wanted, but too scared to breakout of the mould.
You were taught to not be IN your power. To not LEAD with your power. To not trust your inner guidance.
Now - enough of explaining how and why Manifestors are the way they are.
What about what you ARE here to be?
Listen, Manifestors are here to be the leaders of their own lives. Powerful - to differing degrees of the word - and led by your inner feelings or knowing or desires (we’ll talk through the one for you a bit later on). You are here to lead your life. You are here to have a profound IMPACT on other people and initiate them into all kinds of directions.
I was initiated into Human Design by a Manifestor and she had no idea at the time of the impact she had on me. I was initiated into business by another Manifestor, and into friendships by other Manifestors.
In fact, I have been so so grateful for all the Manifestors who have crossed my paths. They have each had profound impacts they could not even fathom.
Many people find Manifestors scary and distant (even when you are near them). However, I have a true fondness for Manifestors and I want you all to be able to step into your power. That doesn’t mean brash power - not caring about people power. It’s a pure power when used in the right way. It is an innocent power, in some ways. It’s inner strength and trust in yourself.
That’s what I want you to be able to access.
You are here to feel PEACE, in your life and in the things you initiate.
Now. - That feeling of anger doesn’t go away btw. It is a sign that something is getting in the way of your peace. It could be a person or a circumstance. It could be because you are placing your attention on trying to initiate something you don’t truly want. Or the wrong thing for you. It could be because you can only plant the seed with people but you cannot control them, and you are trying to. You might feel anger because someone is trying to control you.
The bottom line is, you are here to feel peace. It’s not about trying to rid anger from your life. That’s not possible for a Manifestor. But it’s about getting a better balance between the two.
There is much about a manifestor that wants to have impact. And for you, your type question is “what impact am I having” or “how am I impacting”
It’s going to really help you align by bringing your awareness here. Having conscious awareness over the ways you are impacting others for good or for bad. Whether that is the mail man, or the dog walker in the park… or your boss, or your best friend, or your family member.
It’s being able to see - looking back - the impact you have had on others.
The next step is to then be able to see what impact you are having on others in the now. Right now in this moment directly around you.
Then, it’s about preempting that impact before you make a decision. Thinking of every single person it would affect.
So much of a Manifestors anger is caused by people being shocked by your impact and they just needed it to be warned - so they could pave the way or move out the way, for you to step into the path you know is right for you. But they just needed to know.
It’s interesting for Manifestors. Every other type has a process to help them align. Yours is optional. You do have to step into your own power and inner strength and initiate. BUT your strategy to help your alignment is… optional.
You have to inform. But that isn’t to help you. It is to help others.
Because when you help others by informing, it makes your life easier. Because there is less push back. Therefore less anger.
So, how DO you align with peace and your true path?
I need you to know that your life WILL look different than anyone else around you. You have to be ok with being different and knowing yourself. You have to be ok with following that path.
No one else can do that for you.
What is great about Manifestor alignment is you often know exactly what needs to happen but you are waiting on something. And you don’t need to do that anymore.
You simply need to make a different choice.
SO many Manifestors know what they need to change. They know what they need to get rid of, but they have all these reasons for not making the change.
You are keeping yourself stuck.
There is no other way to put it.
You have access to manifesting power. Very few people in this world do. You have access to everything you need for your alignment.
In this process of aligning, you do need to watch your energy levels. You have energy yet it will burn out. It is inconsistent energy. It works in bursts. You have to factor in rest into your schedule. You have to factor rest into your life journey. You are not here to be as productive as everyone else.
So what are you going to change?
Which new steps are you going to take towards that inner pulling?
There are three things I want you to become very consciously aware of.
Firstly, become aware of your inner knowing about what you want and where you want to go.
Secondly, become aware of the things which stand in your way and which are causing you anger.
Thirdly, become aware of the people your future decisions are going to have on other people around you.
I want you to start informing people before you make a move. I want you to start moving away from the blockers and the anger. I want you to start aligning more with your inner strength and power. I want you to honour your different process of energy and rest when you need to. When you have the energy, initiate. When you don’t, rest.
You are going to need to surrender. You are going to need to see how informing only helps your process of moving towards what you want.
The challenge for a Manfestor is breaking out of the mental conditioning which you have received. The conditioning which is keeping you small and playing safe.
I also want to really clarify here that when I mention Manifestor power and stepping into it. It doesn’t have to be dictator-y, scary, brash and bold. There are many different types of power and you will know yours from feeling within.
You may also be wondering - well HOW do I know what I want? What can I trust within me to guide me? How do I know what I want to initiate?
Firstly, you’re initiating people ALL THE TIME without realising it. You are impacting people all the time without realising it.
However, here is what you can trust…
If you have the emotional solar plexus defined in your chart - if the triangle on the right hand side is coloured in - you have the emotional authority. You will find clarity over time. You must wait before you initiate. You must feel into your feelings over time. You have to decide on which ever option based on which option is mostly consistent for you. You might want to wait a couple of days before initiating that direction, or a couple weeks or months. The longer you wait, the more sure you will be. But you will NEVER EVER be 100% sure. And some days you will doubt and question yourself. But you will feel one way more than the other. And that is what you should initiate. That is your inner guidance.
If you have a splenic authority - so, you dont have the solar plexus defined and your triangle on the left hand side is coloured in - you have a splenic authority. You must make your decision based on your inner knowing in the moment. You are led in a moment to moment way. You must incorporate flexibility into your day. EG - if you are freelance - you could add a caveat to your calendar to say you reserve the right to cancel or rearrange the appointment within 20 minutes of notice. You must be led by your inner knowings in the moment. You must not follow logic here. Feel into. Your body. Don’t ask why just trust.
If you have neither of these two centres defined, you are an ego manifestor. You are here to make your decisions over time based on your pull of desire. Waiting over time for your desire to build and initiating once it is clear you have the energy and it is what you are wanting to do, for your best interests.