What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You’re A Reflector

This conversation is for you if you have made your human design chart and you have found out you are a Reflector,… or you are here to find out more about your friends and family who are Reflector.

I want to start out here by saying that Reflectors are incredibly rare. Only 1-2% of the world population are Reflectors. So I am so happy that you have found Human Design.

Welcome! - and Let’s speak about what it’s like to be a Reflector and how to align with the flow of your life.

There really isn’t much information out there about Reflectors and many of you are misunderstood. So I hope through this conversation you feel more seen, recognised and understood.

So, Right now, when you first come to Human Design you’ll likely feel: 

  • Deflated by the predictability of the world

  • Disappointed by some elements of life and the way things are

  • Unsure of who you are - exactly

  • Confused why you feel different each and every day

  • Different than everyone else around you

  • Aware that you move slower than everyone else around you

Now, truly, Reflectors are here to feel surprised by life. You are here to witness and participate in life, while feeling surprised each and every day. There’s nothing worse for a Reflector than feeling deflated and disappointed of things being the same or predictable. 

And the real truth here for you is that nothing is ever the same. There is so much to be surprised about. There is so much ‘new’ to experience.

There are so many different versions of you to discover. There are so many experiences you are here to discover. 

Everything is always ever changing. - just as you are.

So many of you are trying to fit in with society. Trying to be consistent and participate in the same things everyone else is. 

It is just creating this disappointment. You aren’t the same as the people around you. 

You see so much more, in so many different ways than they do. Your vision and inner inconsistency is something I want to reframe for you and help you to connect with during this conversation.

Firstly, Let’s start with giving you some permissions:

  • You are here to wake up each day and discover who you are on that particular day

  • You are here to witness and notice how society is changing through time

  • You are here to feel surprised by life rather than deflated and disappointed by people and situations.

Does that feel freeing to hear that?

Is there resistance coming up?

Now - let’s look into why you became so conditioned - and why it has led to this feeling of disappointment.

When you think about a Reflector growing up, you were very very different. Reflectors are 1 or 2% of the world, and your aura is designed to be very very different than everyone else on this planet. 

Your aura samples the world - and nothing sticks to it. You sample the experience, the person, the job, and you let it go. That’s what your aura is designed to do. You are designed to see. To zoom in on a particular thing, and then to zoom back out. To build a big picture in your mind based on the things that you see and experience.

Your aura is known as a teflon aura. It things come in for you to sample and then you spit them back out and remove them from your energy. All that remains is the view that you have seen - the view that has added to your overall monitoring of the world as it is.

Your aura is there to protect you. You will have seen your chart is completely completely open. You will have no defined centres in your chart. 

Your aura is the thing which buffers you from the world.

It can mean - however - that you are misunderstood. That no one fully sees who you are and how you are experiencing the world.

You can be a bit of a mystery to people. And I imagine for many of you - you are kind of a mystery to yourself because you feel different all the time - I’ll explain this a little later in this conversation. But because you feel different all the time, and you have no one to model yourself on because there are so few reflectors in the world, you don’t know what to do with your differentness. You dont know how to harness that.

When you are born into this world, you would have felt very different to people. Your aura provokes others with its reflection. They see themselves through your aura’s reflection. Your aura buffers the world from you but reflects so much back to the other person. You mirror so much to the other person, as well. It can be an unintentionally confronting experience for the other depending on their relationship with their self. 

When you grow up, you learn what it is to be part of this world. You soak in and are sensitive to the world around you. You take it all in and it shapes who you are.

And while you are in your conditioned self, you mirror and amplify the homogenised world - rather than a unique version of this.

You fall out of flow with yourself and the natural world. 

So - in this process - there can be disappointment that builds. You feel misunderstood. And unaligned to yourself. You know something is up. But you’re not quite sure and you don’t know what to do about it. 

You try to be the same as everyone else and fit in.

Your relationship with others is interesting because of the aura reflections that are happening for the other person. They see themselves in your aura - we’ll dive into this in another conversation. It can be confronting sometimes.

I know when I started out doing sessions with reflectors, I was nervous because they were so different. Over time this has changed. But interestingly, my nerves were always mirrored back to me in such a more amplified way than any of the other types. It made me more nervous. But you see how that is a me thing and not something the reflector has caused.

This is what a reflector does. Their aura reflects back while the reflector samples. 

It’s all unintentional. Its all mechanics.

But listen- You are a completely different energy type with a completely different aura. 

The truth is, Reflectors are here to have a heightened awareness of the world around them. To be completely non-judgmental - but yet, be a witness to everything going on around you. 

There can be this completely unimposing, unobtrusive ability to your aura. You can be the witness in the room without people noticing you being there. You can lead and guide and facilitate without it being obtrusive or overpowering. 

There’s a really different quality to a reflector.

Now - what role are Reflectors here to play in the world - as 1% of humanity?

Reflectors are here to play an incredibly unique part in the ecosystem of the world. You are our eyes. Truly. 

I have met philosophers, writers and podcast hosts who are reflectors. That doesn’t mean those are the only jobs there for reflectors to do. 

But essentially, reflectors are here to reflect back to us what they see. And often this happens over a period of time. 

You see the subtle and big shifts in our world and our societies. You pay attention and can spot the energy change. You can spot the cultural shifts. You can spot the environment shifts. 

Reflectors are often described as our bookkeepers. As a stereotype, reflectors are like accountants who have been keeping track of all the spending which has been happening and informs their client of a shift in their spending habits over the course of a month, year, decade. 

This is just an analogy. 

But we need you. We need you and your views. We need your observations. We need your facilitation. We need your guidance.

Now, what does this mean on a personal basis? We’ve spoken quite big picture - because this is the way of a reflector. 

Yet, on a day-to-day basis, reflectors are different. You wake up feeling different each day. This is why it is hard to truly know yourself. 

There are so many things impacting your experience of life. 

Really, the main conditioning thing for you are the planets. We look at the openness in your chart, and all the hanging gates, as we can see how the planets will be conditioning you as they move through the sky each day. 

You don’t realise what is going on and this can be confusing. You can blame the weather or a bad nights sleep or how a person behaved with you - for the feeling you are feeling. 

Yet none of this is the thing which is changing how you truly feel inside. 

The planets are moving and they are making you feel like a completely different person each day. And I wouldn’t say this to the other energy types. 

You are incredibly affected by this shift.

You are changing daily. Therefore what you see each day changes. What you feel each day changes. Who you are each day changes. 

Now - this inconsistency is something that is frowned upon in society - and at least - not understood. 

But - I want you to know that you are here to be different each day. And it’s part of your alignment to thrive in this.

Who am I today? Is the question I want you to ask yourself each morning as you wake up. 

Allooooow yourself to be different. 

Alllllloooow the inconsistency to happen. 

Allloooow your views to shift each day.

The disappointment comes when you feel these things but surprise them because “that’s what the world demands from me”

You aren’t here to be disappointed by life. You are here to feel surprised by it.

So, how do YOU align with peace and your true path? 

I need you to know that your life WILL look different than anyone else around you. You have to be ok with being different and knowing yourself. You have to be ok with following that path. 

No one else can do that for you.

The biggest advice I can give you as a reflector is to slow down in your decision making. 

Quick decision making will take you off track. It will turn your life chaotic in a way which is unaligned to you.

You likely know this deep down that you are here to wait a little longer than most to make a decision. 

Now - in your alignment process - the challenge for a reflector is how do I make a decision when I feel different every day.

This is where you admit to yourself - ahhhhh yes - I do feel different every day. Because my decisions always change. 

I want to give you something to ground yourself in. 

You have a monthly cycle. Both female and male, this isn’t gender based. Alllll reflectors have a monthly cycle. 

It is dictated by the moon. 

Now the moment you need to make a decision, you need to mark that date on your calendar and wait 29 days before you make a decision on that thing. I want you to start experimenting with that.

Check in with yourself each day if you’d like. But you need to wait.

You may even need to wait two or three cycles before you truly know.

Your consistency in your inconsistent inner world is the moon. 

The moon has a cycle and that is what you ground to.

So here is what I want you to do after this call. 

As you move through life, I want you to start moving in flow with what feels right to you each day. 

I want you to notice how different today is than yesterday. 

I want you to start noticing how different the world this year is to last year. 

I want you to start monitoring the grounding consistencies in your monthly lunar cycle.

I want you to notice the things which surprise you and to know there is always something else that will surprise you. I want you to move away from staying in the feeling of disappointment.

Now this is a much wider conversation and I will create more resources on this because there isn’t much out there available to you reflectors. 

So Start with these steps and keep an eye out for other next steps, and videos, or book a reading to find our your specific information.


Moving Through the Deconditioning and Alignment Process


What To Do If You’ve Just Found Out You’re a Manifestor